Historic Everett home page

Historic maps of Everett

Click on any of these maps to reach their websites.

New Historic Everett maps

The neighborhood map directs you to a neighborhood, then a street, where we have many vintage photos. We have over 20 historic maps of Everett.

by Historic Everett

Railroad maps

Open Railway maps,
which has the long-gone 3S and Milwaukee road from Snohomish to Everett.

Snohomish County historical maps

by Granite Falls History Museum

Miscellaneous maps

Historic aerial photos

Historic aerial photographs

City of Everett permits

Note: Snohomish County Assessor records often have the wrong built date.

The city's interactive map has access to historic permits where you can often find the age of the house and its first owner or builder. This is a fantastic research tool.

To use: First, press the circled "i" icon near the upper right. Zoom in and click on a property. Then click on one of the LaserFiche records. Often you'll find water records with the owner's name, and the date the water was turned on. Usually that's when the house was complete. This can often be verified in the Everett Public Library's Northwest Room, using the Polk Directories and many other resources.

City tour map

Historic tour map produced for the city's Planning Department.

Downtown tour Google map

Walking tour, which has descriptions on the icons (Google maps version)

Thanks! Historic Everett.