Everett Washington -- chronology of its history
By Jack O'Donnell and David Dilgard
Jan 24, 2025 update
Everett and vicinity
5-30-31-1792 Capt. Vancouver landed at Mukilteo
6-4-1792 Capt. Geo Vancouver landed near Everett
1-22-1855 Pt. Elliot Treaty
1-14-61 Snohomish County formed
3-25-63 Emma Yule born in Red Oak IA, died Los Angeles 4-16-39 Deb Fox HistoryLink
2-6-71 Lowell post office established
7-8-72 Jacobson Livingston filed Western New York plat
5-8-73 Lowell platted
11-25-73 Lowell School Dist. 5 formed from Snohomish School Dist 1 (fifth in county
11-3-76 Dennis Brigham's homestead entry
12-30-76 Erkine Kromer received a deed for his property
5-22-77 School District No. 10 (Port Susan, then Sunnyside) formed
11-15-85 Cyrus Knapp cut first shingle in county, lost a finger doing so Herald 1-14-36
7-15-87 School Dist 24 which would later be named Everett School Dist formed from Dist 5 Lowell and Dist 10 Sunnyside
5-8-88 School District No. 28 formed
7-4-89 Joseph Pearsall found gold at Monte Cristo
7-17-90 Steamship Queen of the Pacific left Tacoma with Hewitt and Colby aboard to plan Everett.
8-22-90 Rucker bros. filed plat for Port Gardner later withdrawn for Hewitt-Colby plans
9-1-90 Hewitt filed a bond on bayfront side of now Everett began acquiring property
10-90 circa Decision to name city after Charles Colby's son Everett
11-90 mid month stock market panic
11-19-90 Articles of incorporation for Everett Land Co.
11-26-90 Ruckers transferred property to Hewitt
11-29-90 Remarkable Document drawn where Ruckers transferred property to Hewitt for industrial guarantees
12-24-90 Remarkable Document recorded at Snohomish
3-10-91 ? Seattle & Montana Railway incorporated, line would run along bayfront
3-12-91 major storm hit Puget Sound
4-91 Boughton E. Aldrich opened the Workingmen's Grocery at Pacific and Chestnut site
5-7-91 Puget Sound Pulp & Paper Co. incorporated, later would build mill at Lowell
5-23-91 whaleback steamer C.W. Wetmore launched in W. Superior, WI bound for Everett
5-30-91 tracklaying started on Seattle & Montana R.R., on Everett waterfront between Seattle and Fairhaven (Bellingham)
6-11-91 post office established
6-91 P.K. Lewis opened a store on bayfront
7-91 recession of 1890 continuing ?
7-91 pop. about 35 on Everett peninsula
7-1-91 first post office in Miley & Henderson's store on bayfront, Mrs. Mitchell postmistress
7-6-91 Dr. Wm. C. Cox arrived at Lowell, Everett's first physician
7-28-91 Wm. G. Swalwell incorporated Swalwell Land Loan and Trust Co.
9-91 Monte Cristo Hotel started construction
9-9-91 Swalwells First Addition plat filed, triggering land rush on Riverside
9-11-91 first issue of the Port Gardner News (Everett's first paper in Lowell)
9-16-91 work began on whaleback plant
9-23-91 Mitchell Land & Improvement filed a plat opening up new sections of Riverside
9-28-91 Articles of incorporation for the Pacific Steel Barge Co. filed (whaleback plant)
10-12-91 last spike driven on Seattle & Montana (Seattle to Bellingham Bay) near East Stanwood which extended along Bayfront
10-15-91 contract for Bay View Hotel awarded, would be first hotel
10-19-91 Bast's brickyard on northern tip began production D.D. Everett News 10-23-91
10-22-91 Henry Hewitt celebrated 50th birthday, contract awarded for Everett Hotel
10-25-91 circa Henry Hewitt orders a second story on Broadway School
10-91 late photographer Frank LaRoche here
11-7-91 first saloon Gem
11-20-91 Chas Colby and Colgate Hoyt visit
11-27-91 Seattle & Montana opened, first pasenger train in Everett
12-91 Brue Bldg, 3420 Everett started
12-1-91 Swalwells Second Addition filed, one day $150,000 sold
12-3-91 Alex. McDougall, whaleback inventor, visit
12-4-91 First Methodist Episcopal Church chartered
12-4-91 full service along Seattle & Montana line
12-10-91 Hart's sawmill, Everett's first, fired up
12-14-91 Broadway School opened Herald 1-14-36, Emma Yule launched her teaching career here Deb Fox HistoryLink
12-15-91 contract for grading Pacific awarded
12-21-91 whaleback Wetmore arrived in Everett. I also have 12-17 for the date, brought materials for nail works, ship yard and neil works
12-26-91 lawsuit filed by Erskine Kromer's heirs against Friday bros.
12-28-91 big windstorm
1-3-92 First Presbyterian service here
1-5-92 Henry Hewitt returned to Everett after California visit David Dilgard
1-5-92 Everett News reproter rode log down log chute in Lowell
1-9-92 whaleback Wetmore in Lowell to unolad paper mill machinery David Dilgard
1-14-92 photographer Frank LaRoche on his second visit to Everett to photograph townsite D.D.
1-14-92 Bay View Hotel opened
1-15-92 Bay View Hotel opened (owned by Everett Land Co.) David Dilgard
1-17-92 first Mass said in Everett by Fr. Lindner
2-6-92 Everett Land Co. filed Plat of Everett
2-12-92 Everett Land Co. moved from Lowell to Bayfront and gen mgr Duryee w/family engages apts at Bay View Everett News
2-15-92 Casino Theatre, SW corner of California and Market (now Highland) Everett's first opened, closed May or June same year David Dilgard
2-15-92 J.J. Hill arrived in Everett, at banquet tomorrow in Bay View Hotel D.D.
2-17-92 Hill honored a gala at Bay View Hotel
2-19-92 Emma Yule appointed Everett's first principal Deb Fox HistoryLink
3-1-92 lots in Everett Land Co. Plat of Everett began today David Dilgard
3-7-92 First Presbyterian Church organized
3-12-92 articles of incorporation for Everett & Monte Cristo Railroad filed David Dilgard
3-21-92 election naming the Committee of 21 Met at Hart Block on Hewitt David Dilgard
3-21-92 First National Bank of Everett started Herald 2-28-53
3-24-92 prisoners trashed local jail David Dilgard
3-28-92 School District No. 61 formed
3-29-92 town's first major fire, on Chestnut St. David Dilgard
4-7-92 first Baptist Church organized here by Rov. E.G. Wheeler of the chapel car Evangel
4-7-92 Fireman's Ball at Gamel Hall to raise money for volunteer bucket brigade David Dilgard
4-9-92 Jack Bone elected fire chief, Lowell had first major fire, destroyed saloon bldg at Main & 2nd David Dilgard
4-11-92 Baptist cable car Evangel arrived in Everett David Dilgard
4-12-92 work began on Everett Ave. bridge David Dilgard
4-12-92 first train rolled into Lowell over 3S bridge David Dilgard
4-17-92 first service for First Presbyterian in new church on 2900 block west side Maple
4-17-92 First Baptist Church of Everett organized
4-18-92 J.J. Clark arrived in Everett David Dilgard
4-19-92 construction began on Swalwell Bldg David Dilgard
4-20-92 engines at pper mill in Lowell fird up for first time David Dilgard
4-21-92 first engine at nail factory in operation David Dilgard
4-21-92 Whaleback Wetmore back in Everett David Dilgard
4-21-92 dedication of First Presbyterian on Maple south of Hewitt
4-22-92 Everett Lodge 122 of Odd Fellows instituted
4-30-92 first bricks made by Chemical Sand Brick Co. here David Dilgard
5-1-92 Fireman's May Day Ball David Dilgard
5-5-92 first homicide at Fritz & Feeny's Everett Mug Saloon (later Bucket of Blood) NE corner Hewitt & Market David Dilgard
5-10-92 Belgain bark Orbis arrived with rods for nail factory David Dilgard
5-11-92 The Pugest Sound Wire Nail & Steel Company (nail works) started David Dilgard
5-17-92 gala banquet for Henry Hewitt at Bay View Hotel David Dilgard
5-18-92 Charles Colby and Henry Hewitt toured Lowell paper mill David Dilgard
5-27-92 J.J. Hill in town David Dilgard
6-12-92 Trinity Episcopal incorporated, church on Calif. near Wetmore ready by August
6-15-92 Everett C of C incorporated David Dilgard
6-18-92 crews finished paving Hewitt with wooden planks David Dilgard
6-20-92 first stage drama Uncle Tom's Cabin in warehouse at Spithill's Wharf David Dilgard
6-27-92 X-10-U-8 Theatre, 3301 Hewitt opened, closed 1893, reoponed as Casino in late 93 or early 94 David Dilgards Footlights
6-29-92 first paper produced at Lowell mill David Dilgard
7-1-92 The Great Ball at Bay View Hotel David Dilgard
7-4-92 first Independence Day celebration, foundation of McCabe Block (u.c.) used for pavillion David Dilgard
7-9-92 first fire fatality - William "Billy the Fiddler" Burton Red Front Dace Hall on 2800 Market, Firefighter J.K. Druker died 7-15-92 David Dilgard Milltown Footlights, Fire Boys
7-12-92 Whaleback Wetmore left with 5 new masts and a new color scheme David Dilgard
7-19-92 rails of 3S and Seattle & Montana joined at tip of Everett peninsula David Dilgard
7-25-92 construction began on Sumner Iron Works David Dilgard
8-4-92 first amateur theatrical by Trinity Episcopal church in vacant sotrefront of Hart Block south side 3300 block Hewitt David Dilgard
8-8-92 Snohomish County Tribune founded
8-27-92 Sec of Interior John W. Noble welcomed with recption, tour of local industries and reception at Bay View Hotel David Dilgard
9-5-92 first Labor Day celebrated here with parade and fireman's benefit ball David Dilgard
9-8-92 Wetmore lost at sea near Coos Bay, OR David Dilgard
9-19-92 estimated 30 Afro-Americans here, 20 organized an A-A People's Party Club David Dilgard
9-29-92 work began (brick layers started their work) on Puget Sound Reduction Co. smelter David Dilgard
10-4-92 J.J. Hill here David Dilgard
10-8-92 Neff & Mish shingle mill began operation on 14th St. Dock
10-8-92 meeting to organize Bayside firefighters Fire Boys
11-2-92 first rails for Everett and Monte Cristo R.R. arrived in Everett, via Cape Horn, Woodhouse Monte Cristo
11-8-92 founder of Bank of Evertt and the Everett Herald, John E. McManus became the first Democrat elected state senator from county David Dilgard
11-12-92 old Monte Cristo Hotel Kromer and Pacific opened
11-15-92 city phone system wnet into service David Dilgard
11-15-92 Chas Colby and family here for 5-day visit, stayed in Mont Cristo Hotel David Dilgard
11-18-92 reception for Colby at Monte Cristo Hotel David Dilgard
11-26-92 Chas W. Wetmore here, first time in 3 years David Dilgard
12-3-92 The First Natl. Bank of Everett opened in new office in recently completed Swalwell Bldg SW corner Hewitt & Pine David Dilgard
12-5-92 Everett Drama Club organized David Dilgard
12-8-92 The electric light plant at nailworks went into operation David Dilgard
12-12-92 architect Frederick A. Sexton chosen to design new school in Lowell David Dilgard
12-22-92 Clark Bldg at SE corner of Hewitt and Wetmore scene of charity ball for local hospital David Dilgard
12-31-92 contract for an electric street railway awarded David Dilgard
1-4-93 Bay View Hotel on Bond caught fire about 1:30 P.m. Schuyler Duryee journal
1-4-93 electric railroad line whole length of Hewitt announced, first envisioned to be horse drawn (1-25) Everett Times
1-6-93 Great Northern line completed at Scenic, 13 miles west of Stevens Pass
1-7-93 first train reached after last spike driven Everett Times on 1-11
1-25-93 J.J. Hill and son-in-law Samuel Hill reached Everett on GNRR, Everett Times
1-25-93 question about whether Everett or Seattle would be GN terminus, Everett Times
2-1-93 move to incorporate city started; 120 men working at Barge Works, -10.5 F temp. recorded
2-28-93 first train reached Lowell, but J.J. Hills had already been here?
3-1-93 First Congregational Church organized
4-7-93 Monroe and Jefferson schools named by school board board min. from that date
4-14-93 Hart Opera House on Riverside opened, active through summer of 1894, spradic use through about 1900 David Dilgard Footlights
4-23-93 apparently first dedication of old OLPH church, blessed by Bishop Junger
4-27-93 charter to incorporate Everett approved; Thomas Dwyer elected first mayor
5-8-93 Everett incorporated Sheriff Legacy Book says 5-4 which is it
5-8-93 old Monroe School first occupied source Everett Herald Dec. 28, 1893
6-16-93 Margaret Clark first graduate of Everett High School
6-27-93 NYSE crashed beginning the Panic of 1893
6-29-93 last spike in Everett and Monte Cristo line 6-29-93
7-3-93 first Everett streetcars operated according to Alvin Petterson and newspaper accounts, Lisa Labovitch
7-3-93 large section of Dist 5 Lowell to Everett School Dist 24, moved south boundary of district from 35th to 52nd
9-6-93 first scheduled train on Everett and Monte Cristo R.R. reached Monte, Woodhouse Monte Cristo
2-22-94 Everett High's first football game, against Snohomish
2-10-94 School Disrict No. 73 formed from portions of No. 28 and others
3-1-94 city hall ready for use
6-10-94 first gathering of what would become Women's Book Club at home of Mary Lincoln Brown
6-20-94 Central Opera House, 2919 Wetmore, opened, closed Feb. 1904 Dsvid Dilgard Footlights
7-2-94 first official meeting of Woman's Book Club at Monte Cristo Hotel
8-1-94 Frederick Gates arrived in Evertt to investigate and manipulate Rockefeller's interests, Woodhouse Monte Cristo
9-26-94 block for Clark Park (City Park originally) purchased from Everett Land Co. for $21,535, park established next day. Renamed Clark Park in 1931
9-27-94 first 10 acres of Forest Park purchased for $4300
10-24-94 whaleback City of Everett launched, parade down Hewitt followed (sank Gulf of Mexico 10-11-23)
10-25-94 Washington Hotel at Pacific and Maple destroyed by fire Herald?
11-6-94 county seat election
11-12-94 Everett Woman's Book Club petitioned city for a free public library Sheriff Legacy Book
2-25-95 Colonial Tea Party held by Everett Woman's Book Club at Monte Cristo Hotel
3-95 Puget Sound Pulp and Paper Co. name changed to Everett Pulp and Paper Co.
4-26-95 first celebration of Arbor Day held in Everett, Herald 5-2-95
5-4-95 Ruckers' blooded cattle now on farm near Snohomish after last week of April all cattle moved out of Everett off all lands east of Bdwy from 24th and 32nd and west of Broadway from 19th to 36th, Rosie Weborg Herald 9-15-56
6-26-95 Woman's book Club picnic near Monte Cristo Hotel
11-5-95 Everett officially county seat, moved in 1897.
2-20-96 I also have 2-26-96 city founder Chas Colby died, in Newton Center, MA
1-7-97 Emma Yule elected as superintendent of Everett Public Schools source school board minutes that date
4-21-98 Everett Public Library opened in old city hall building, 2900 Broadway east side, books had been housed the McFarland home, 3100 Colby
5-19-98 Everett Colby, a visitor, stayed with Knowlton family, 3131 Rockefeller (article in Evt News 5-21-98)
1-12-99 John D. Rockefeller in Everett and Snohomish, James J. Hill here then too
3-4-99 decision made to buy eleven lots west of Jefferson School for grounds Legal Electors mtg, Board approval on March 6, 99
4-16-99 Everett aerie of Eagles instituted
2-7-00 St. Dominic's Academy north side of Everett between Fulton and Cedar complete (addition on east side in 1907)
4-6-00 Wm Jennings Bryant in Everett nailworks on waterfront campaigning for President
9-1-00 Bank of Commerce opened Hewitt at Pine Herald 1-14-36
10-7-00 first passenger train through Everett tunnel Walt Grecula Delta GN material
12-5-00 ordinance passed granting franchise Washington Gas and Electric Co. Herald 1-14-36
2-11-01 first Everett Daily Herald published (there had been an earlier Everett Herald)
2-14-01 milling began at flour mill on bay front Herald 2-13-01 see 12-18-01 entry?
2-16-01 first issue of Everett Herald Weekly Herald 1-14-36
2-22-01 Woman's Book Club Gentleman's Night at Monte Cristo Hotel
3-8-01 contract let for fire station at 2818 Maple
5-01-01 Nicholas B. Challacombe founded funeral home
5-1-01 first Everett YMCA wooden building on NW corner California and Rockefeller opened
5-22-01 Evertt Fire Department started, had been volunteer Herald 1-14-36
5-31-01 Everett organized a company of militia called Everett Rifles
6-24-01 Founders' Day Woman's Book Club fete at Fair Grounds (likely site now North Middle School)
7-19-01 opera house fire Fire Boys
8-19-01 Swedish Baptist Church organized
11-4-01 Everett Theater 2811 Colby opened
9-1-01 First Methodist Church at Wall and Bdwy opened?
12-18-01 Everett Flour Mill opened on bayfront Herald 6-29-76 see2-14-01 entry? Closed in 1921 Herald 11-1-55 Rosie Weborg article
12-29-01 Weyerhaeuser purchast of Bell Nelson Mill, M.R. HistoryLink
3-12-02 Rice Lumber Co. changed its name to Ferry-Baker Lumber Co. Named for William Ferry, pres, and Fred K. Baker, general manager
3-19-02 Everett Woman's Book Club Gentleman's Night at Monte Cristo Hotel
6-12-02 Fr. Clasessens of OLPH requested a Catholic hospital here
6-22-02 United Presbyterian Church and parsonage at 2701 Colby dedicated
7-01-02 Everett Trust and Savings opened its doors
8-5-02 Norwegian Male Chorus began
8-23-02 Everett Central Labor Council celebrated completion of new Labor Temple on east side 2800 Lombard
1-10-03 Le Petit Theatre (aka La Petit or Le Petite), 2008 Hewitt, opened, closed circa 1905
1-17-03 Garner & Knoll Concert & Grill Rooms, under the Lobby Saloon, 1505 Hewitt opened presumably for short time D.D. Footlights
3-17-03 Everett Woman's Book Club Gentleman's Night at Monte Cristo Hotel
4-8-03 start of first Weyerhaeser Mill in Everett on the former Bell-Nelson mill site, Margaret Riddle HistoryLink
4-18-03 Handsome new stone arch at entrance to cemeter to be built (presumably lych gate), also extension being cleared, hedge around to be planted, Herald article on this date
5-12-03 Washington Stove Works first in Everett Herald 5-11-63 P 12
5-18-03 Parlor Theatre, 2820 Wetmore (Parlor Hotel), opened, closed Oct. 1907 David Dilgard Footlights
5-23-03 Pres. T. Roosevelt in Everett
8-2-03 Wheeler Osgood and Co. sawmill shingle mill burned to the ground. It was on river near Ferry Baker Fire Boys
9-2-03 Washington Stove Works was starting up some of plant
9-9-03 F.H. Brownell received a deed from Henry Hewitt transfering the old chamber of commerce property southeast corner Oakes and Wall to library board for new Carnegie library
9-13-03 first service of of prerunner of Trinity Lutheran Church, organized as St. Paul Lutheran Church 1-24-04 Herald article 1-16-54
10-28-1903 Knights of Columbus in Everett chartered, instituted on 11-29
12-1-03 first interurban between Everett and Snohomish
12-15-1903 Redmen Hall dedicated
12-15-03 Herald moved into building on Colby at Wall
12-25-03 Orpehum Theatre, 2118 Hewitt, opened for presumably less than a year David Dilgard Footlights
1-24-04 beginning of St. Paul Lutheran Church, forerunner of Trinity Lutheran Church, first service 9-13-04 Herald article 1-16-54
3-15-04 Lumberman Saloon Theatre, 1309 Hewitt, opened for about two weeks
3-16-04 earthquake
3-19-04 Central Theatre, 2919 Wetmore former Central Opera, opened, later known as Orpheum, Dramsland, Acme, Bailey and People's, fire 1916 and demolished David Dilgard Footlights
3-31-04 Lumberman Saloon Theatre, 1309 Hewitt, closed after about two weeks.
6-14-04 last day for old Monte Cristo Hotel, manager Ferriss moved to Mitchell Hotel, which was new
11-14-04 Crystal Theatre opened, closed shortly thereafter, location unknown David DilgaRD Footlights
12-18-04 dedication of Immaculate Conception Church
3-1-05 Providence Hospital first received patients in old Monte Cristo Hotel building
3-18-05 Everett Tennis Club planning to move from county fair grounds to a point nearer center of city Seattle Times 4-19-05 P. 3, see also entry 4-4-05
4-4-05 Everett Tennis Club had decided to lease and put in three courts on 2900 Hoyt s end e side for $1,000 Seattle Times 4-5-05 P
7-03-05 Carnegie Library at Oakes and Wall opened, doors "thrown open" to public on 7-01 (Herald)
9-19-05 Carlson Bros. mill on Fourteenth St. Dcok partly detroyed by fire, loss of $15,000, Herald 9-19-25
2-11-06 beginning of weeklong celebration of opeping of First Congregational at northwest corner of Everett and Rockefeller, from 2915 Cedar
3-26-06 Grand Ave. Park given to city by Everett Improvement Co.
5-28-06 Orpheum Theatre, 2919 Wetmore, opened but closed the next month David Dilgard Footlights
6-6-05 first services in new church at 2702 Rockefeller for Ebeneezer United Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Congregation (forerunner of Central Lutheran) Central Cenntennial booklet
9-4-06 Brandon Theatre, 2919 Wetmore (former Central), closed November same year David Dilgard Footlights
11-15-06 Scenic (former Parlor) Theatre, 1813 Hewitt, opened, active less than a year David Dilgard Footlights
11-19-06 Brandon reopened as Central Theatre again, 2919 Wetmore David Dilgard Footlights
6-8-07 Grand Theatre, 1609 Hewitt, opened, in operation short period David Dilgard Footlights
7-2-07 Everett Yacht Club founded
9-1-07 Henning Block (south part) on 2815-17 Colby opened, Powell (north part) to come in 1910
10-29-07 The Midway (theater), 2012 Hewitt, opened and closed within two months reopened Jan. 1908 as St. James David Dilgard Footlights
11-1-07 Scenic Theatre, 2820 Wetmore, opened David Dilgard Footlights
11-05-07 500 armed men here beat Indians who had been run out of Bellingham
4-1-08 5 fatality accident at shingle mill boiler explosion, site now west of Evergreen near 52nd
4-27-08 Lundgren Shingle Mill fire Fire Boys
5-28-08 Atlantic Fleet in Everett
8-10-08 Everett (Tennis Club) host to North Pacific International Tennis Assn this week 2900 Hoyt 1500 Wall corner where M.C. Hotel is and north Herald
8-31-08 first day for Washington School on first day of school that year
9-20-08 fire Puget Sound Timber and Prserving Co. - creosote plant in Lowell lots of explosions Fire Boys
9-27-08 St. James Theatre opened in second location, on east side of 2900 block Rockefeller, had been at 2012 Hewitt, operated here about three years D.D. Footlights
10-1-08 Bell Flats, 2501 Colby, Everett first apartment house, ready for occupancy
10-1-08 Orpheum Theater opened, 2919 Wetmore, closed Jan. 1909 David Dilgard Footlights
10-7-08 Ruckers to build mausoleum in Evergreen Cemetery Herald on this date
10-8-08 grand opening of Landers' 5c-10c-15c Store, 1818-1820 Hewitt
11-1-08 Grand Theatre, 1507-09 Hewitt opened; closed about April 1916
11-5-08 Supt. O'Neil of Great Northern said tunnel under city to be concreted
11-20-08 Red Front Clothing Store bankruptcy sale going on, 1512 Hewitt
12-12-08 Columbia College about half constructed, postponed to next fall
1-27-09 Dreamland Theatre, 2919 Wetmore opened, closed in May same year David Dilgard Footlights
2-15-09 Pinehurst platted
5-17-09 Acme Theater, 2919 Wetmore, opened, closed winter of 1912-13
6-30-09 Great Northern moving from frame structure to magnificent new building Herald this date
8-2-09 courthouse fire and others History Link
8-16-09 School District No. 101 (North Creek) formed from a portion of No. 73
11-17-09 Star Theatre, 1810 Hewitt, opened, cloed June 1927 David Dilgard Footlights
12-11-09 dedication of Gospel Tabernacle of Christian and Mission Alliance new church, 2131 Colby. Herald 12-10-09
12-18-09 dedication of Gem Tavern, opening 2906 Hewitt.
1-3-10 Rose Theatre, 2922 Wetmore, opened, closed in 1927
1-28-10 students symbolically moved into new E.H.S., classes began three days later
3-9-10 clock started in new rebuilt courthouse
4-29-10 J.J. Hill in Everett
4-30-10 inaugural trip from Everett to Seattle on Interurban.
5-2-10 regular service started on the Seattle Everett Interurban
5-23-10 laundry workers struck all Everett plants
5-31-10 Colby Bldg. conflagration
5-31-10 Everett's first school had been remodeled into the Broadway Hotel
6-1--10 graduation of first class at Columbia College in their new building
7-7-10 fire Everett Fish Co. smokehouse Fire Boys
7-11-10 first meeting of the Everett Motor Boat Club
8-10-10 Camano a total loss after running into City Dock
9-10-10 dedication of brick First Presbyterian Church, northwest corner Rockefeller & Wall
10-23-10 Clarence Darrow spoke at the coliseum, southwest corner Pacific and Wetmore
11-9-10 Farm Products northwest corner of California and Lombard open, closed 1964 see 11-19 ?
11-18-10 dedication of new Everett High School
11-19-10 opening of Farm Products, Calif. and Lombard, closed circa 1963 see 11-09 needs clarification
11-29-10 cluster lights began replaced arcade lights on s. side of 1600 block Hewitt
1-1-11 Everett went dry, hurt city budget including fire dept. Fire Boys
1-7-11 Orpheum Theatre (Fox Orpheum), 1615 Hewitt, opened; closed 1929 David Dilgard Footlights
3-9-11 clock began working in courthouse
5-2-11 Providence School of Nursing open
5-12-11 Prov School of Nursing opened which is it?
5-14-11 just open, inspection today, Commercial Hotel, 1908 Hewitt
7-26-11 first Milwaukee Rd. freight train in Everett (1-13-88 Herald)
8-8-11 Longfellow School first opened to 331 students
10-9-11 President Taft in Everett
11-4-11 Lon chaney Sr. with wife Cleva and son Creighton performed in Everett Theater
12-9-11 Fire dept. bought first motorized fire truck Fire Boys
2-3-12 first EPP&PCo. picnic (at Silver Lake)
3-25-12 ground broken on Trinity Episcopal on south side 23rd near Hoyt, d. early 50s
4-12-12 large section of School Dist 5 Lowell to Everett School Dist 24
4-15-12 voters chose commission over mayor/council form of govt. which would last until 1968
4-21-12 Milwaukee Rd. started passenger service to Everett, Herald article on 4-19-12 and scedule 4-20-12
5-31-12 Henry M. Jackson born in Everett
8-16-12 Camano of mosquito fleet crahsed into City Dock there is an earlier entry which one is right?
8-20-12 Everett Male Norwegian Chorus formed
9-30-12 Eugene V. Debs, who was running for president, in Everett
9-30-12 blaze gasoline boat Kathryn R. Fire Boys
10-15-12 EFD got first hose-chemical motor-driven truck Fire Boys
2-24-13 old Acme Theater, (Central Opera House) 2919 Wetmore, reopened as Bailey Theater, closed 4-5-13
3-22-13 Princess Theatre, 2822 Colby, opened, closed May 1919
4-4-13 Sumner Iron Works destroyed by fire. M.R.
5-6-13 People's Theater, 2919 Wetmore, formerly Bailey, Acme, Central, opened, is this correct?
5-18-13 People's Theater, 2919 Theatre opned, active off and on until 1916, July 1916 fire, demolished David Dilgard Footlights
7-1-13 Everett's first aeroplane flight see Historic Everett 2015 calendar
8-8-13 announcement new Sumner plant to be built for $31,884
8-23-13 had sarted working on the Mukilteo Blvd Herald this date
11-19-13 Gem Theatre, 2906 Hewitt opened, in operation for about two years David Dilgard Footlights
12-25-13 new Sumner Iron Works in Lowell ready
1-20-14 work started on bldg on nw corner Colby and Wall, I believe Strand Hotel to north about to be built too
1-26-14 Jacknife Bridge on Ebey Is. about ready, first of the Strauss bascule type in Puget Sound area
2-18-14 Swedish Baptist Church, northeast corner Hoyt and Everett, dedicated
4-1-14 Brodeck Filed Clothing Co., opened new store, 1711-13 Hewitt
4-3-14 bankrupt sale D. Poplack Clothing Co., 1922 Hewitt
4-3-14 quitting business sale Workingmen's Store, 2014 Hewitt
4-15-14 The Hub (a men's shop) now open
5-16-14 D. Ward King spoke at Commercial Club about Good Roads
6-23-14 NP passenger train left for Monte Cristo, first time since 1908
8-5-14 Mukilteo Blvd opened to the first road traffic between Everett and Mukilteo
5-15 Weyerhaeuser Mill B started with 100 men
7-2-14 Maroney flight on waterfront see Historic Everett 2015 calendar
8-5-14 road between Everett and Mukilteo opened, Margaret Riddle Sr. Focus, see 1940s
12-1-14 Broadway Theatre (former St. James), 2012 Hewitt, opened, closed May 1919
4-10-15 Everett Mukilteo road okay to travel H article on this date
7-14-15 Liberty Bell in Everett
12-20-15 Hayes Theatre, 1711-13 Hewitt, opened, closed about March 1917
1-1-16 Clarence Zimmerman of Everett kiced off the Tournament of Roses game in Pasadena, considered the best player on victorious WSC who defeated Brown
1-31-16 big snow started, lasted 3 days, dumped over 30 inches
4-15-16 J.C. Penney Store #101 opened at nw corner of Colby at Wall moved from here to nw corner California and Colby in 1925 Herald 1-14-36
9-18-16 Everett Box fire today or yesterday
10-30-16 IWW beating at Beverly Park
11-4-16 Henry Prince opened cigar store at 1611 Hewitt, from Tacoma, he founded Everett Rotary
11-5-16 Everett Massacre
11-30-16 Rialto Theatre, 1509 Hewitt, formerly Grand, opened, closed in May of same year David Dilgard Footlights
2-18-17 Henry J. Kaiser Jr. born here, home at 717 33rd
3-29-17 land for Riverdale Park (now Jackson) purchased from Everett Improvement Co.
4-5-17 Apollo Theater, former Hayes Theater, 1711-15 Hewitt opened, closed 1927
4-6-17 EHS boys Red Spence, Roscoe Spence, Thonrton A. Sullivan, Karl Hultman, Clarence Eddy enlisted in Marine Corps, same day Pres. Wilson declared war on Germany, Mason, Wm, Sno Co in the War
4-21-17 Mayor D.D. Merrill received an offer from Boy Scouts offering services during national peril of war, Mason, Wm, Sno Co in the War
4-25-17 Elks organized a patriotic parade downtown - large number of viewers and participants, Mason, Wm, Sno Co in the War
5-17-17 apparently this is when they were closing in the train tunnel the half block from the alley to Oakes
6-3-17 Chas A. Blackman, C.A. Blackman Shingle Mill at Blackman's Point, died in Everett (Journal)
6-12-17 city school chidren donated $632.79 to suffering women and children in war zone, Mason, Wm, Sno Co in the War
10-27-17 Lawrence Willimas, first African-American man in city to be called for military service, left for Camp Lewis, Mason, Wm, Sno Co in the War
1-8-18 school board voted discontinuation of teaching German at EHS, Mason, Wm, Sno Co in the War.
4-29-18 H.E. Stepens o GNR ticket office here received orders to close Colby office, uptown office of Milwaukee Rd also being closed under orders from D.C. Mason, Wm, Sno Co in the War
6-18-18 city council passed anti-loafing ordinance, Mason, Wm, Sno Co in the War
7-22-18 Bailey addition along 10th from Grand to Broadway opening to sell
7-13-18 Port of Everett created by special election
7-26-18 new Woolworths opened at 1614-16 Hewitt, had been at 1818 Hewitt
10-3-18 marjor fire at C.A. Blackman Shingle Mill (Journal) Fire Boys
10-8-18 Everett Health Board banned public gatherings due to Spanish flu
10-26-18 Jay Blackman died at 3 am due to Spanish Influenza, he was son of Chas Blackman principal at Blackman Mill, a major fire at this mill about this time also
10-29-18 69 new Spanish Flu cases reported in town, 86 previous day, Mason, Wm, Sno Co in the War
11-5-18 state board of health issued regulation ordering all to wear gauze masks due to Flu, Mason, Wm, Sno Co in the War
2-1-19 "Tag Day" observed here in order to secure money to plant trees along Pac Hwy commemorating work of county servicemen, Mason, Wm, Sno Co in the War
3-26-19 The Ebeneezer English Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2701 Rockefeller, orgnized here, accept by Norwegian Lutheran Church of America 7-18-19
3-15-19 Charlie Allen set up the Garner and Allen agency for Hudson, Essex and Packard at the SW cor. California and Hoyt.
4-1-19 experimental radion station founded by Leese bros.
8-25-19 Providence School of Nursing moved into new quarters, not the brick building on Nassau; it came in 1929
9-14-19 Battleship USS Idaho in Everett for 5 days
1-1-20 Everett played Scott of Toledo Ohio at Bagshaw (then Athletic) Field 7-7
3-12-20 fire in dry kilns of Clough-Hartley Mill destroyed and damaged 2,000,000 shingles.
3-20-20 fire destroyed YMCA (built 1901) Fire Boys
7-1-20 Security Natl Bank of Everett established
8-17-20 radio stn KRKO first went on air, see comment lower a couple
8-29-20 cornerstone laid for brick Trinity Episcopal, southwest corner 23rd and Hoyt
1-1-21 Everett 16, E. Cleveland Tech. 7, at Bagshaw Field for mythical US championship
2-22-21 Everett Armory cornerstone put in place
4-10-21 new Evertt YMCA dedicated
5-15-21 first service in new Trinity Episcopal church 2301 Hoyt
5-22-21 dedication of Trinity Episcopal
7-21-21 coroporation organized to build General Hospital Herald 5-10-23 (two years later)
7-26-22 Totem pole erected at corner of California and Wetmore Herald 7-27-22
10-12-21 Doors thrown open to new Knights of Columbus bldg at 1611 Everett Ave. (later Masonic Temple) H article 10-1-21
10-17-21 Everett Kiwanis began
12-11-21 Interurban to Snohomish stopped for a few days due to flooding Herald this date
2-16-22 Parkland's Children's Home moved from Parkland to old Columbia Coll. Bldg.
2-18-22 14 young orphans from Parkland arrived to the old Columbia Coll. Bldg. (1909-1919) Herald article 2-20-22
2-24-22 first early Everett retailer J.J. Clark died at 83 Herald 2-25-22, Clark Park name for him and Clark Mansion stands at ne cor 22nd and Rucker
3-20-22 purchase of land for Silver Lake Park, $1500, from Thos Wilson Land Co.
4-29-22 Topliff Paine (for whom Paine Field is named) died, Everett News reported on May 5
6-4-22 Trinity Lutheran building at northwest corner 24th and Lombard dedicated Herald article 1-16-54
8-25-22 first broadcast pf KFBL later KRKO (don't know about upper entry)
10-5-22 The Cave, ice cream shop, confectionary, lunch counter opened 1510 Hewitt
1-4-23 work started on apartment building NW cor Everett Ave. and Hoyt Herald article 1-3-23
2-26-23 work started on funeral home NE cor California and Oakes Herald article 2-24-23
2-28-23 work commenced on rebuilding Norton bridge between 33rd and 34th, had been closed about two years Herald article of same date
3-1-23 street car rails to begin being removed 1-8-23 Herald article
3-14-23 Rogers Bros pharmacy opened in Stone Fisher (Clark) Bldg above Ekho Drug Herald ad 3-13-23
3-17-23 Karas murders Herald article
3-24-23 first meeting of County Council of Parents and Teachers Herald 1-14-36 see later entry which is right
3-29-23 Norton Ave. bridge reopned after two years closure Herald article
4-2-23 Everett men at state meet of KKK
4-5-23 last day for electric street car on Hewitt, Bayside run, began tearing up rails Herald on this date
4-6-23 Schucart Bros market, 2012 Hewitt, opened Herald article on 4-7-23
4-7-23 Waltons bought Rucker Mansion Herald article this date Ruckers would then move into Walton house 2601 Hoyt
4-9-23 excavation on new Providence Hospital to begin this week Herald article on this date
4-18-23 first convention of County Council of Parents and Teachers Herald 1-14-36 see earlier entry which is right
5-6-23 dedication of Scottish Rite temple, presumably in old church on NE cor Oakes and Wall Herald 5-6-23
5-19-23 Weyerhaeuser to build a new office building at Mill A Herald this date
6-23-23 Madrona Apts. at nw corer Rucker and Everett to be open next week
6-23-23 Everett Auto to be in new bldg 2714 Colby next week Herald
7-10-23 construction started on new Providence Hospital, Herald this date
7-22-23 cornerstone deciation Grace Methodist Episcopal church bldg 2402 Summit Herald 7-18-23
7-23-23 Piggly Wiggly store coming to Everett, 2801 Colby, Herald on this date
7-23-23 Stanton Hall purchased Commerce Phcy 1805 Hewitt, Herald on this date
7-31-23 story pole dedicated at California and Wetmore,
8-10-23 memorial service at Armory for recently departed President Harding
8-11-23 Piggly Wiggly store opened at 2802 Colby, full page Herald ad on this date
8-23-23 4 police boxes installed on Hewitt - at Bond, Nassau, Rucker, Oakes Herald article on this date
9-6-23 old bridge at 18th St. to be removed, Herald article on this date
10-4-23 Herald P4 last bldg on Norway_pacific shipyard had been razed
10-11-23 City of Everett tanker (whaleback) sank off Florida Coast 10-12-23 H p 4, 10-11-23 H p1
10-14-23 new Providence Hosp. dedicated, cornerstone laid, see H 10-8-23 p1, H 10-15-23 p1, not completed until next May
10-17-23 EPL to open stn at Central Pulbic Market H 10-15-23 P4
10-21-23 Grace Methodist opened at 2402 Summitt see H 10-20-23 P1
10-24-23 corner stone laid for new Providence Hospital by Bihsop O'Dea need to check this, a conflict
10-29-23 Chief Taro crash at Hewitt and Colby, H 10-30-23 p 1
10-31-23 GN locomotive accident, man killed
11-15-23 Weyerhaeuser moved into new building, reception following day, Herald articles 11-12 and later
11-23-23 Weyerhaeuser office bldg. open for inspection
12-5-23 city condemning land north of 12th and Bdwy for new Marysville highway
12-11-23 fire, Everett Theater
12-14-23 Herald headline Weyerhaeuser to start at once to build big mill (C) a hemlock plant
12-21-23 Grace Methodist Episcopal Church dedicated at 2402 Summitt
11-24-23 new Mukilteo Road now open Herald article on this date
12-27-23 H p4 ad on or about Jan 1 to move into new Hodges Bldg
1-1-24 Buster Brown shoe store to move from 1814 to 1806 Hewitt
1-2-24 Hodges Bldg opened to tenants
1-2-24 resolution for new Stock Show Road (now 112th) Everett Herald this date
2-27-24 General Hospital on Colby dedicated, or possibly the next day;
3-13-24 ground had been broken for the exposition center near Silver Lake (Stock Show Rd) Herald article on this date
5-7-24 Everett Public Library bookmobile first hit the streets of Everett Herald article 5-8-24
5-10-24 D.A. Duryee moved from 2821 Colby to 2814 Colby
5-12-24 new Providence Hospital opened
7-14-24 Lucas Furniture opened in larger quartes at 2823-25 Wetmore, had been at 1120 Hewitt
8-15-24 deomolition began old Monte Cristo Hotel (by this time old Providence Hospital)
8-16-24 or near E.A. Nord started at northwest corner of Hewitt and Bdwy Herald article 10-16-64
8-29-24 Everett Theatre reopened after 1923 fire, fully remodeld, known as Fox Everett 1929-33 David Dilgard Footlights
8-31-24 Immaculate Conception School dedicated
8-31-24 5:00 a.m. Abe Glassberg and two others started the first crossing of Stevens Pass by car
10-24 Everett Clinic formally organized
1-14-25 Roland Hartley became 10th governor of WA
1-25-25 new fire station Oakes at California Fire Boys
2-8-25 Our Savior's Lutheran moved into ne cor 24th and Hoyt from 2900 Lombard
2-22-25 Elks building dedicated check this
2-28-25 Central Bldg to be built Herald this date
5-26-25 domolition completed on old Monte Cristo Hotel (by this time old Providence Hospital)
5-29-25 2nd Monte Cristo Hotel opened, first long distance remote control broadcast from Seattle's KOFA from hotel, Sheriff Legacy Book and HistoryLink article
6-10-25 contracts totaling nearly $1 million awarded for construction of the four bridges between Everett and Marysville
6-15-25 new fire stn 2 (2701 Oakes) to be ready for occupancy about
6-25-25 Bungalow Apts. at sw corner Pacific and Norton completed
7-4-25 Stevens Pass Hwy to open
7-11-25 Stevens Pass opened, connected Everett to Spokane, Heralds on date and near
8-8-25 2026 Rucker, old David Clough house, remodeled in 7-unit Lucerne apts. after being vacant for 10 years
8-26-25 first day of races with full grandstand at new Silver Lake fairgrounds Juleen photos EPL 438, 439, 440
8-30-25 buildings under construction at new Silver Lake fairgrounds Juleen photos EPL 4449, 450
9-6-25 brick Perpetual Help church and school dedicated
9-20-25 new Our Savior's Lutheran Church bldg at 24th and Hoyt dedicated.
9-25-25 first Everett High School Kodak published this week
10-31-25 fire stn at 3102 Hewitt occupied - closed 1964 with freeway construction
11-18-25 J.C. Penney moved into new Medical and Dental Bldg from Colby at Wall Herald 1-14-36
12-31-25 Medical and Dental Building completed
1-21-26 Medical and Dental Building opened
2-2-26 announcement that starting immediately a third floor would be added to Interurban bldg and rest of basement would be excavated.
4-7-26 Central Lutheran Church so name after several earlier names Central Centennial booklet
4-10-26 Mon C. Walgren Jeweler and Optometrist opened 1714 Hewitt, Herald 4-9-26
4-26 London Cafe, 2013 Hewitt installed city's first neon sign - removed in 1961
6-21-26 formal opening of Medical and Dental Bldg.
7-25-26 big Walton Mill fire Fire Boys
8-1-26 fires H.O. Seiffert, Landsdown plant, Everett Millwork Co., 6 houses
8-30-26 South Jr. opened
10-14-26 Vol. 1 No. 1 of South Jr. Lookout
10-17-26 Central Lutheran new sanctuary at 2702 Rockefeller dedicated Central Centennial booklet
10-26-26 Liberty Theater opened at 2822 Wetmore, closed in 1929 David Dilard Footlights
10-27-26 Liberty Theater opened at 2822 Wetmore (doesn't match previous entry)
2-24-27 slag from smelter available for sale for alleys, streets and roads Herald article on this date
5-8-27 Rose Theatre, 2922 Wetmore, closed, had opened in 1910
6-19-27 Apollo Theatre, 1711-13 Hewitt closed, had opened 1917
6-23-27 first alarm at new Bayside fire station 1701 Norton, Herald 3-25-67 article
7-23-27 last pavement put down on Everett-Marysville highway, see entry two below is one wrong?
8-7-27 fire H.O. Seiffert, photo in Verne Sievers album now at EPL
8-23-27 Marysville-Everett cutoff opened making direct road between two
8-25-27 Lou Goffee now running shoe repair shop at 2819 Wetmore
8-27-27 official highway opening
10-26-27 pacific hwy opened between Everett and Seattle, 14 mi. from King Co. line to Evt city limits (then 52nd) Lost Roadhouses of Seattle says 10-15-27
12-22-27 Granada Theatre, 2926 Wetmore, opened (Fox Granada 1929-33), a remodel of Rose Theatre, closed in 1954 David Dilgard Footlights
4-22-28 officially Everett Airport Field between Everett and Marysville, dedication
5-8-28 fire Jamison Lumber and Shingle Co. 5.5 million shingles lost Fire Boys
1-15-29 foundation work began today on new Sears Roebuck bldg se corner Everett and Colby
2-20-29 opening day for Duffy Drug, 1831 Bdwy Herald 2-19-29
4-13-29 grand opening of Pioneer United Dairies in new bldg at 2531 Broadway
4-19-29 grand opening of Rumbaugh's Dept. Store, sw cor California and Wetmore
5-3-29 Liberty Theater, 2822 Wetmore, closed, had opened in 1926 D.D. Footlights
5-14-29 Deaconess Children's Home 2120 Highland opened
5-17-29 Everett Zonta Club established
5-29-29 Balboa Theater opened David Dilgard Footlights
6-15-29 opening of Edgewater Golf Course 9-hole on Smith Island Neil Anderson
6-22-29 grand opening of Sear Roebuck se cor Colby and Evertt
7-29-29 Totem pole raised on triangle between 44th, Rucker and Hwy 99 Herald this date
10-22-29 Orpheum Theatre (Fox Orpheum), 1615 Hewitt, closed, had opened in 1911 David Dilgard Footlights
10-23-29 Mon "Wally" Wallgren won national amateur billiard championship at Elks Club here
11-22-29 new city hall open to public
11-26-29 Fisher store in Powell-Henning blocks on Colby opened after $80,000 of remodeling (elaborate show windows done at this time) had been on Hewitt.
12-7-29 Montgomery Ward opened in new building at 2818 Wetmore Herald 12-5-29
1-1-30 Sevenich Chevrolet Co. formed Herald 1-14-36
1-21-30 Bank of Commerce merged with Everett Trust and Savings Herald of 1-14-36 says it was 1-27-30
4-28-30 fire again Bay View Hotel Fire Boys
8-31-30 Milwaukee Rd passenger service for Everett ended and was replaced by an 18-passenger Studebaker painted co. colors orange and maroon, Allen Miller Milwaukee Rd historian
6-19-30 Labor Temple on Lombard dedicated
7-23-30 Puget Sound Pulp and Timber mill ready to start Seattle Times article 7-23-30
7-11-30 J.C. Penney new men's and boys' section Herald 1-14-36
8-30-30 Milwaukee Road stopped passenger service to Everett website
9-17-30 Puget Sound and Alaska Powder Co. explosion Fire Boys
4-29-31 Bethany Home started at 3322 Broadway
7-18-31 Garfield Playground donated by trustees of Playground Association of Everett
9-24-31 Dr. Cox, Everett's first doctor died
9-26-31 dedication of four more holes at EG&CC making it an 18-holer
10-1-31 Niemeyer Phcy moved from 1512 Hewitt to 2826 Colby
10-25-31 last 20 feet of pavement paved for 4-lane highway between Everett and Seattle
11-4-31 peacocks had been added at Forest Park Herald on this date p 15
11-13-31 Wyatt J. Rucker died
11-26-31 (Thanksgiving) Bagshaw Field so named, previously referred to as Athletic Field
12-19-31 Clark Nickerson Mill ceased operations
2-15-32 first section of Legion Park given to city by A.B. and Harriet Clausen
3-1-32 street cars disappeared with closure of Bdwy line (the first) Herald 2-28-32
5-4-32 Airship Akron over Everett Raymond Fosheim diaries
6-5-32 Piston Service opened at 2930 Rucker, which formerly housed Bergman Tire Co.
6-8-32 dedication of new wading pool (including sculpture) at Forest Park by Eagles See Herald 6-7-32p9, 6-8-32p7, 6-15-32p2
6-12-32 death of Wm. F. Brown early Everett surveyor, in Seattle age 84
6-15-32 Wm Buehrig took over Colby Bakery, 2101 Colby, from Mary Hall
6-23-32 The Hub, men's furnishings and workingmen's store, 1301 Hewitt, quitting business sale
6-25-32 able to drive from Hoyt to E. Grand on new road n. end of city Herald 6-26-32p4
8-7-32 grand opening of Simpson Ford, 3102 Rucker, Herald of that date
9-8-32 USS New York in Everett harbor
9-20-32 FDR in Everett campaigning for president
12-18-32 last Sunday Herald for decades, had started sometime after 1916
4-20-33 meteor passed over Everett and Puget Sound area
7-7-33 USS Constitution visited Everett
10-1-33 inauguration of new lighting for football field
10-13-33 formal opening of Owl Drug Store, nw cor Hewitt and Colby, after a remodel
5-8-35 Longshoremen began a strike that would last 83 days, Herald
5-24-34 USS Akron, a helium filled airship, came over Everett today - Fosheim
6-22-34 Walter P. Bell, Everett atty, former superior court judge and former WA State Atty Genl, died at home 2130 Rucker
7-5-34 Lowell volunteer fire dept. launched
7-12-34 KRKO radio came into being, other important dates preceded, see HistoryLink article
10-3-34 Everett Public Library on Hoyt dedicated
10-21-34 record wind storm
10-31-34 Buehring murder, 2101 Colby (See 1944 for solving)
12-14-34 opening of John J. Jerread Inc. Funeral Directors, se cor Oakes and Wall in old Carnegie Building
1-1-35 highway department hoping to get started on Broadway Cutoff 12-4-1934
1-1-36 Dolloff Used car moved to lot on 1800 Hewitt n side w of alley, Herald 1-4-36
1-3-36 McLinton Cafe opened and joined cigar store, 1709 Hewitt, Herald 1-2-36
1-6-36 work on Legion park
1-14-36 final link in trestle Herald 1-3-36
1-17-36 16th to be repaved from Rockefeller to Walnut by Templeton Co. Herald this date
1-23-36 19th to be repaved from Rucker to Walnut Herald this date
2-1-36 Ken Tucker to beome Professional at Everett Golf & Country Club. Herald 1-29-36 P6
4-4-36 Pet Backlezos opened shoe repair shop probably at 2827 Colby, closed 3-28-70
5-9-36 Payless Food opened
5-29-36 School District No. 331 (Silver Lake) formed by consolidation of Districts 28, 61 and 73
6-29-36 Wyerhaeuser Pulp Mill (Mill A) opened on bay front
7-36 new office building for D.A. Duryee, 2715 Colby
7-3-36 Black Prince dedicated as part of official mtg room, Everett Yacht Club, razed 1956
7-15-36 work to start on new Everett airport (Paine Field}
8-29-36 first Tyee Salmon Roundup
9-10-36 work began on new airport south of town (Paine Field)
10-10-36 Newberry store opened at 2814-16 Colby Herald 10-9-36
1-11-37 body of kidnapped Tacoma boy Charles Mattson found 4 1/2 miles south of Everett
7-10-37 WPA sponsored indexing of fingerprints at Sheriff's office
7-15-37 Hellenthalls opened at 2716 Colby
7-17-37 Legion Park Golf Course opened
7-22-37 plans to immediately finish new playfield at 12th and Oakes
7-24-37 first tee-off at Legion Golf Course (Muni)
8-12-37 Hoyt to be connected to Pacific Hwy on road to be known as Alverson Blvd Herald on this date
9-3-37 remodeling of main floor of Hewitt Block-Silverstone bldg under way, would house Silverstone Apparel and Holmes Candy
9-14-37 "unofficial" first landing at new Everett airport (Paine Field)
10-1-37 "I am glad to be in Everett again." - President F.D. Roosevelt at Great Northern whistle stop Pacific Ave.
10-23-37 Everett Supermarket opened at northwest corner of Everett and Colby in remodeled building (Herald 10-22-31)
12-29-37 Clough Hartley Mill burned
2-1-38 concrete Norton Ave. viaduct at 22nd opened
5-1-38 Weyerhaeuser building moved upriver to Mill B, moved again in 1983, and in 2016
1-3-39 west wall being removed from old EHS gym for new study hall, old auditorium to become library
1-10-39 discussion on what to do about old Pigeon Cr. # 2 trestle that was closed last fall
2-20-39 last southbound train on the Everett Seattle Interurban
2-6-39 work to begin on Floral Hall in Forest Park about this time
4-3-39 Edgewater Playground dedicated Herald article on 4-1-39
4-16-39 Emma Yule died in Los Angeles, buried in Evergreen Cemetery Deb Fox HistoryLink born 3-25-63 in Red Oak, IA
5-4-39 Clark Nickerson mill fire
5-4-39 EFD started using radio Fire Boys
5-6-39 Lowell fire stn dedicated
5-27-39 Crown Prince Olav and Crown Princess Martha of Norway were in Everett, sometime here drove through stump north of town
5-8-39 Joe King's tavern opened at 1309 Hewitt
6-16-39 first airplane based at new county airport Herald this date
6-24-39 Legion Park golf course opened wit full 18 holes Herald, dedication was 7-1-39
7-6-39 Brewster's reopened after an extensive remodel could be story in Herald 7-5-39
8-8-39 Woolworth's opened new store at 2824 Colby, Herald article 8-7-39, had been at 1616 block Hewitt
8-17-39 cornerstone laying service for United Brethren Church, 2001 Colby, Herald article 8-28-39
9-15-39 Eagles opened new home in Wisconsin Bldg
9-21-39 Pacific Hardware 1701 Hewitt going out of business Herald ad this date
10-1-39 Pacific Hardware at Hewitt and Wetmore closed
10-7-39 Old 55 opened on 7309 Highway 99, 2 mi. south of Everett lasted until 1965
10-9-39 opening of Castle Drug Co. Store # 2 in Grand Central Market, 2801 Wetmore
10-10-39 Hatloes opening a story 1802 Hewitt Herald 10-9-39
11-9-39 Montgomery Ward opened new store at 2813-19 Colby after $50,000 of remodeling. Had been across the alley
1-6-40 Hewitt Ave bridge under construction. Hoped to be open by 6-6-40 Herald article
1-9-40 Evertt Civic Auditorium/gymnasium dedicated
3-3-40 Everett Brewery 3300 block Smith destroyed by fire conflict see 3-3-41
3-14-40 undefeated Everett High School basketball team beat Oakville 64-19 to win state tournament
3-17-40 dedication of newly constructed First Church of United Brethren, 2005 Colby
4-26-40 demolition started about now on old wood trestle connecting Everett Ave. bridge with Ebey Is.
5-12-40 Riverdale Park dedicated Everett Parks book
6-5-40 about to build Snohomish County Airport
6-7-40 Safeway had purchased land at 41st and Rucker for new store
7-23-40 500 Alverson later Bill Long house moved from S. Everett to Alverson Blvd. Then I.W. Parsons house
8-30-40 with Pacific becoming part of the Stevens Pass Hwy., a traffic signal was needed at Pacific Ave. and Broadway
8-7-40 School District No. 331 divided between 24 and 101 needs clarification see entry for tomorrow
8-8-40 Silver Lake School District dissolved to become parts of Everett, Mukilteo, Snohomish, Bothell and North Creek
8-30-40 fill on Kromer between Pacific and Laurel to open soon, old bridge dismantled in December of 1938, fill came from reservoir near Federal
9-23-40 fire destroyed empty Dell shingle mill at Maple Heights
10-21-40 tearing down Fisherman's Packing Corp. which had been Everett Packing Co. and originally the nail works
10-29-40 Everett Ice Arena opened at 2812 Norton
11-40 Henry M. Jackson elected to U.S. House of Representatives
11-11-40 H.W. Wood, Dodge Plymouth dealer at 2902 Rucker, became Safeway Motors today,
1-28-41 Safeway store at SE cor. 19th and Broadway had opened.
1-31-41 View Crest Abbey under construction, 108 crypts, 400 niches, by Hans Solie, owners Zene Maulsby and A.D. Kenworthy, Herald article on or about
3-3-41 on or about old Everett Brewery bdlg burned, b. 1906, Herald article conflict see 3-3-40
3-6-41 Singapore Cafe at 1705 Hewitt to open, note 8-3-41 entry
3-18-41 finishing five rooms on so. jr. when wings were added on, also new shrubbery
4-9-41 Hank Gaul's men's shop opened at ne cor Calif. and Colby
4-13-65 ? B&M opened at 2615 Colby about this time
5-25-41 brick chimney of old Fisherman's Packing Corps crashed into the beach during demolition. Had been part of nail works
6-24-41 new Safeway store at 1905 Broadway had opened.
7-22-41 Airfield formerly known as Snohomish County Airport named Paine Field honoring Topliff Olin Paine
8-3-41 Meve's Restaurant opened this week at 1705 Hewitt, note 3-6-41 entry
8-11-41 Everett Air Base post office established, renamed Paine Field Branch Sept 1, 1941
8-19-40 on or about, Denney Apts, sw cor Everett and Colby to come down, owned by Dr. S.L. Caldbick owned
8-20-41 bridge at 3300 Norton had been declared unsafe, demo began week of 10-23, would be replaced by fill
9-1-41 Everett Air Base post office renamed Paine Field Branch
9-8-41 Everett Junior College opened in Lincoln School at 25th and Oakes, first classed
9-5-41 Great Northern freight engine left rails near Washington Gas & Electric Co. on Riverside
9-5-41 Northwest's newest voice was Everett radio station KEVE 1460 K.C.
10-16-41 fire destroyed Mayflower Apts., 2814 Grand Could this mean 2614? Is this right date?
10-24-41 Friedlanders had taken over Wallgren's at 1603 Hewitt and planned to expand jewelry store
12-10-41 by this date black out hours were 1:30 to 7:45 a.m.
12-12-41 new Everett Pulp and Paper office building up.
10-10-41 grand opening of Skateland at ne cor McDougall and California Is this right date?
12-27-41 air-raid siren in place atop City Hall
12-28-41 air-raid observers atop Medical-Dental Bldg.
1-9-42 Walgren's changed to Friedlander and Sons
1-23-42 enlarged Penney store opened
1-25-42 Paine Field plane crashed damaging 1521 Grand and 1518 Rucker
2-16-42 ground broken for shipyard, Everett Pacific Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Marine Digest of 9-29-51 says 2-13-42
2-17-42 P-38 crashed near Silver Lake
2-22-42 permit for new bldg 2713 Colby $8,000
3-22-42 Paine P-38 crashed near Naketa Beach
3-23-42 about contract for removal of streetcar rails, mainly on Colby, Broadway, Summit, but I would think Hewitt too steel for war effort, Herald article about this time
5-2-42 Paine P-38 crashed near Edgewater Beach (could this be the same as the next crash entry?)
5-7-42 Paine P-38 crashed at Darlington beach
5-15-42 construction began on drydock Rebuilder - 9-29-51 Marine Digest
5-31-42 A.H.B. Jordan died, born 9-23-65
6-1-42 Diana's apparel opened 2802 1/2 Colby
6-27-42 about new fountain at Hewitt and Colby (NW cor more on Hewitt) to replace old one car ran into, Herald article about this time
8-14-42 actress Veronica Lake here to sell war bonds on county courthouse lawn and Paine Field
9-3-42 Lowell School Dist 5 dissolved, consolidated with Dist 24 to form new Everett School Dist No. 2
11-10-42 construction started on shipyard
1-22-43 Windsor Apts, on nw corner of Everett and Hoyt fire resulted in top floor being removed, ended Capt. Arvid Johnson's career (he later became mayor) Fire Boys 12-23-43 which is right
1-31-43 first two vessels at Everett shipyard launched
4-22-43 Edgewater Park given to city by Arthur G. and Gertrude Sorenson and Leo and Laura Loken
4-27-43 Edgewater Park added to city system
6-7-43 EJC graduated inaugural class at First Presbyterian Church
6-15-43 first WAACs at Paine Field
7-1-43 City Beach at Pigeon Creek # 2 opened
7-3-43 beach pavilion at City Beach (Pigeon Creek #2, Howard Park) opened so which date
7-3-43 housing project under construction (Poplar, Larch etc.) front page Herald
7-16-43 grand opening of Safeway at 2708 Colby
8-28-43 war memorial dedicated on court house grounds
9-29-43 U.S.S. Everett (named for Everett) launched in Richmond, CA (stricken from list on 12-1-61)
12-22-43 fire of the year Windspr apts nw corner Everett and Hoyt. Afterward top floor removed. see 1-22-43 which is riht
5-5-44 Eclipse Mill retail yard destroyed by fire
5-6-44 Ace Pursuiter reported Corporal Austin H. Ottley was first member of Paine Field black to be accepted for Air Cadet Training School.
5-6-44 View Ridge introduced in Herald ad
6-20-44 largest part of Legion Park including golf course donated by Earl Faulkner Post 6 of American Legion
9-7-44 new evidence in Buehrig murder 10-31-34 Henry Young in Alcatraz confessed, being charged along with Sherman Baxter, John Baker
12-15-44 Gulls Nest opened tonight upstairs from 1707 Hewitt, see EHS Kodak Dec. 16, 1955
3-12-45 Japanese balloon bomb landed about a quarter mile west of Glenwood fire station Herald article 3-12-15
3-13-45 Japanese balloon bomb landed near Paine Field reportedly could be confused with above
3-24-45 city dog pound officially opened at 3317 Hewitt Ave.
3-25-45 Bethel J. Rucker died (born 8-11-62) wife Ruby (Brown) died 1-4-72
4-10-45 first hydraulic barker produced by Sumner Iron Works
4-15-45 military personnel at Paine Field deactivated. Bertrand Arcadia book p 58
8-1-45 Pigeon Creek #2 fill along Muk Blvd in last stages of completion, Herald article on this date
9-6-45 Boeing closed its wartime factories on SW cor Calif and Grand, and NE cor Pac and Rucker
9-18-45 Wm. R.and Archie G. Taft Jr. acquired control of KRKO
10-4-45 Jack Wong announced opening of China Cafe, 2822 Rockefeller
10-6-45 opening of Parker's Jewelry, 1710 Hewitt Ave.
11-16-45 open house at new location of Hatloe and Son, sw cor. California and Hoyt, had been at Hewitt and Oakes
12-14-45 grand opening of Walker's Fulton Market 2914 Hewitt
12-15-45 Hans Hagen Jeweler opened 2910 Rockefeller
12-18-45 The Sports Shop opened 2942 Colby
1-17-46 srvice began under newly created Snohomish County PUD, Herald article 1-1-2021
1-26-46 Coys Toys opened 2923 Colby
2-2-46 Joe Mitchell had purchased English's from W.H. English, 1405 Hewitt
1-13-46 installation of church bells in memory of Clifford Newton, 2936 Rockefeller Ave.
2-6-46 Clark Park murder, Bernice Honrath attacked night before, died today
3-4-46 Nichols and Laaback had purchased and were remodeling into DeSoto agency building at 3001 Rucker
3-4-46 Associated made its first piece of concrete pipe
3-27-46 Zeek's Chicken Dinner Inn now open on Hwy 99 2 miles south of Hewitt and Rucker
3-28-46 50 residences to be built in new neighbhorhood View Ridge
4-5-46 first B&M opened at 2615 Colby
4-5-46 first annexation ever 65 acres in northeast part of city
4-19-46 small pox epidemic here
4-23-46 Co-op store opened at 3004 Bdwy
4-26-46 grand opening of J&P store 2929 Colby
5-3-46 Penguin Cafe opened 2933 Colby
5-9-46 grand opening Rhodes floral & garden shop 1915 bdwy
5-20-46 Gable Furniture Exchange at 2920 Hewitt
5-20-46 Barcott Paint in new location 2818 Hoyt
5-27-46 Weisfield & Goldberg Jewelry opened 2819 Colby
5-29-46 Stout's The cottage Inn opened nw cor 15th and Bdwy
6-1-46 Wold's Men's Shop opened at 2913 Colby
6-1-46 McCormack Furniture Exchange opened 2922 Rockefeller
6-4-46 Stan Mitchell opened Ekho Fountain at se cor Hewitt and Wetmore
6-14-46 L&R Motors opened at 2501 Bdwy Hudson dealers
6-23-46 earthquake
6-29-46 Nichols Laabeck DeSoto Plymouth dealership opened at 3001 Rucker
7-10-46 Monte Cristo Auto Co. exclusive dealers for Lincoln and Mercury 3002 Hoyt
7-26-46 Weisfield & Goldberg Jewelry opened about now at 2819 Colby
7-27-46 direct route to Mukilteo again there with recent opening of new Edgewater Creek bridge
8-23-46 Ralph's Food Center opened on northeast corner 41st and Rucker
8-28-46 VFW Hall, 2711 Oakes Ave. dedicated today
9-9-46 Watson's Bakery, 1812 Hewitt, reopened today after extensive remodel
10-29-46 Life in Everett debuted at Granada Theater
10-31-46 J&P store at northwest corner 24th and Colby recently changed hands now Colby Market
11-16-46 USO building 2818 Wetmore became Earl Faulkner post of American Legion
12-15-46 grand opening of VFW Old Guard Post 2100 opened in new building at 2711 Oakes
12-20-46 The Monte Cristo Auto Co. grand opening, southwest corner Hoyt and Wall, Lincoln/Mercury dealers
12-20-46 Hwy 2 designation for former 10-A from Everett to Bonners Ferry
1-21-47 Edgewater Market opened
1-22-47 Picardy's opened at 1618 Hewitt, formerly Daniel's
1-30-47 B&M opened at sw cor Hewitt and Broadway, kept Hausmann's meats
2-3-47 Madison School opened
2-4-47 Brown's Food & Beverage Store opened at 1832 Walnut
2-14-47 Normanna Hall bldg., 2725 Oakes, opened today, formerly dedicated on 4-19
2-17-47 first GN Streamliner here, open to public on upper track
4-25-47 gala opening of Tradewell se cor 21st and Broadway
4-26-47 grand opening Carruthers and Whitehead furniture store, 2813 Hoyt
4-28-47 Herman's Men's Store, 2924 Colby, to be known as Harris Men's Shop
5-7-47 first helicopter landed at Paine Field
6-27-47 Van Winkle furniture opened ne cor Calif and Wetmore
8-18-47 getting ready to adapt city name The Evergreen City
10-7-47 Sport Center, 1709 Hewitt, reopened after a seven week remodel
10-7-47 by this time 16th was an arterial from Wetmore to Broadway
10-7-47 part of Mukilteo Blvd replaced by the Pigeon Cr 2 fill renamed Wood Place
10-10-47 opening of Arown Diary and Fountain ne cor 17th and Broadway
10-21-47 new traffic signal had been installed at 16th and Broadway
10-31-47 Everett Memorial Stadium dedicated
11-21-47 announcement (Herald article) of 41st St. improvement, widening and extended from Colby to Bdwy on old interurban route
11-29-47 clock in front Peoples Natl. Bank, built for Security Natl. Bank toppled, replica dedicated at ECC 10-17-06
12-5-47 PUD purchase of Beverly Park Water Co. announced today
1-1-48 opening of Fire Stn No. 4 at Forest Park, 701 Muk Blvd Fire Boys
1-26-48 grand opening of Coys Toys, 2923 Colby, later moved to 2605 Colby
2-1-48 first Power Squadron unit formed in Everett
2-12-48 by this date 7 barges had been sunk at north bank of Snohomish R. for a breakwater
3-5-48 grand opening new Standard stn nw corner Wetmore & Wall, prior was C&S Service, later was Court's Chevron, then Wall St. Bldg
4-3-48 P-40 to go atop Tony Dyre's Bayview service Federal, Bond and Hewitt, would be there just short of 20 years
5-9-48 fire Bayside Iron Works Fire Boys
6-7-48 Chester Beard Shoes to open
6-9-48 President Harry S. Truman in Everett
8-26-48 apartment house fire, California and Norton
8-28-48 37th newly paved from Rucker to Broadway about to open
9-13-48 Pay 'n Save Drugs opened at 2711 Colby
11-2-48 now wrecking Wright's Winery warehouse 3317 Colby Herald ad for Abel Cook Matheny on this date
11-13-48 plans announced to remodel Howarth bldgs on 1600 Hewitt with one look
12-6-48 Spudnut Shop, 3016 Colby, opened, closed 1971
1-10-49 Whittier School opened
2-4-49 ship repair yard began on about this date at shipyard, 10-22-49 The Marine Digest
6-10-49 August Mardesich boat accident
6-11-49 grand opening, Cannon's Richfield, nw cor 41st & Rucker
6-17-49 grand opening of Hans Hagen Jeweler at new store, 2921 Colby
7-14-49 polio epidemic here
7-24-49 Immanuel Lutheran Church ne cor 26th and Lombard dedicated,
8-1-49 Rumbaugh-MacLain became a branch opertion of Bon Marche see Herald 5-20-49 see 2-3-51 ?
9-1-49 PUD purchased electric system from Snohomish County and Camano Island
9-18-49 north (brick) part of Bethany on west side 3300 Bdwy dedicated.
10-31-49 operations suspended at shipyard keeping only a skeleton crew, The Marine Diegst 10-22-49
11-17-49 41st recently opened between Colby and Broadway
2-26-50 Rucker Hill landslide covered tracks and closed Mill A Herald 2-27-50
5-16-50 Sky-Vu drive-in theater opened at 34th and Pine, closed 1957
7-11-50 Rip Van Winkle Motel at se cor 23rd & Bdwy about to open
7-11-50 Medical Center at NW Hoyt and Pacific under construction
7-11-50 SE corner of Hoyt & California leveled for new parking garage, near completion Nov. 29 this parking garage gave way for Ever Park
7-14-50 fire station at se cor Beverly Blvd. & Madison new
8-02-50 Anita Shop at se cor Colby & California about to open
8-21-50 stop light at Hewitt & Rockefeller, 4th on Hewitt, 17th in city
9-50 last strings of lights taken down on Hewitt in Riverside and replaced with cobras
9-6-50 open house for remodeled Eagles Bldg, nw cor Hewitt & Hoyt - started 9/49
10-18-50 city okayed a light for 41st & Colby
10-24-50 Bud's Cafe at 3119 Bdwy opened
10-24-50 grading planned for 3700 block of Lombard
11-08-50 first walk-wait pedestrian signal installed at NE Hewitt and Colby, others to follow
11-29-50 new building n.w. corner Pacific and Hoyt near completion
2-3-51 purchase of Rumbaugh-MacLain by Bon Marche announced today see 8-1-49?
2-16-51 Wellworth opened new retail store at 2725 Colby, had been at 2931 Bond
4-01-51 tax token no longer used
4-04-51 open house at Safeway west side 3700 Bdwy, open the following day
4-12-51 Everett Motor Movie opened, closed 1978 David Dilgard Footlights
4-19-51 B&M shopping center at 50th & Hwy 99 opened
5-04-51 Stadium Service station at 3930 Bdwy opened
5-25-51 Eleanor Butler wing on General Hospital dedicated (two-story addition only on the east side of the main brick building)
6-1-51 Puget Sound Navigation Co. purchased by WSF. Retired ferry Rosario eventually sold (1953) to Everett and converted to cannery at 3862 Railway Ave. on River
6-13-51 Rosemary the elephant arrived at Forest Park, would die Oct. 1955
7-18-51 Bill and Ada Pilz 3324 Grand donated what is now Doyle Park at nw cor 35th and Grand to school district
8-18-51 Duffy Drug on 1600 Bdwy grand opening moved from 1831 Bdwy Herald 7-18-51
12-1-51 Simpson Lumber Co. purchased Everett Pulp & Paper Co. for slghtly over $9 million
12-15-51 Ripple Tavern opened at sw cor Hewitt and Rockefeller
12-27-51 Port purchased Pier 1 from American Tug Boat Co.
1-19&20-52 Snowfair with ski jump at Forest Park
2-01-52 construction started on addition on west side of Scott Paper administration bldg
2-12-52 work under way on Scott paper mill building
2-25-52 Fairmont School opened
4-4-52 grand opening of Jack's Men's Store 1820 Hewitt Herald ad
4-14-52 old Lowell school being torn down
7-14-52 Rip Van Winkle Motel sign hoisted into place last week
7-23-52 1505-07 Hewitt to be torn down
7-28-52 traffic signal request at Hewitt & Hoyt, also considering 25th & Bdwy and Hewitt & Walnut
7-29-52 locust trees on 3000 Rockefeller west side all went except southernmost for new courthouse addition, it went later too for another addition
7-30-52 workers began pouring concrete for Reservoir 5 at Dogwood and 50th
8-2-52 last day for Don Winslow in the Herald comics
9-8-52 first day for Gene Autry in Herald comics
9-52 Hawthorne School opened
9-11-52 13th being paved including sidewalks from Wetmore to Bdwy
9-21-52 Roland Hartley died
9-27-52 last day for Mutt and Jeff in Herald comics
9-29-52 first day for Scorchy Smith in Herald comics
10-2-52 President Truman here at Pacific Ave. yards
10-6-52 Republican hopeful Eisenhower here at Pacific Ave. yards
10-8-52 Everett Theater reopened after full remodel and new marquee, triplexed in 1979
11-52 Henry M. Jackson elected to U.S. Senate
12-20-52 the drydock was moved away, Marine Digest article says 12-27-52
1-24 and 1-25 53 second annual ski jump at Forest Park
2-4-53 Harold Walsh and Frank Platt bought Murphy Motors and started dealership
3-18-53 Sears remodeled grand opening, including new garden center bldg at SE Wetmore and Calif
4-1-51 Paine Field reactivated as joint-use airbase Bertrand Arcadia book p 65
4-23-53 Monte Cristo Hotel purchased by A.L. Dimsdale from Bennett Baldy
4-24-53 blinker at Madison and Hwy 99 (Evergreen Way) replaced with a stop and go signal
4-26-53 youth building addition to First Presbyterian Church dedicated
5-5-53 new stoplight at corner of Hwy 99 and Broadway Cutoff (Evergreen Way and Everett Mall Way)
5-12-53 last day for the Balboa Theater David Dilgard Footlights
5-14-53 cornerstone laid at Scott paper mill, 2nd machine announced
5-22-53 grand opening of Bob and Ray's Shell at NE 38th and Bdwy
5-29-53 grand opening of Ray's Delicatessen 1619 Bdwy
6-5-53 grand opening of Greenshields Industrial Supply 710 Hwy 99 No and Jeff's Draperies and B&M Pet and Hobby Shop
6-9-53 widening of Broadway underway
6-12-53 grand opening of Gustavson's Shell SW 26th Bdwy
6-19-53 grand opening of Stan Akins Flying A Service 2502 Bdwy
7-9-53 grand opening of Lyle Wood's Mobilgas NE 20th and Bdwy
7-10-53 bathhouse at Maple Heights-Pigeon Cr. # 2, - now Howarth - was closed and being vandalized, bay water was polluted
7-23-53 grand opening of Dave Gilleland's trapezoidal Union 76 station SE cor 41st and Rucker
7-24-53 grand opening of Topper Motel
7-31-53 Suzie Q. Smith had joined funnies this month
8-31-53 Weyerhaeuser Kraft mill started production this week; closed in 1992
9-2-53 grand opening of Evergreen Bowling Lanes
9-15-53 new traffic lights this month at 33rd & Bdwy and 37th & Bdwy
9-20-53 groundbreaking for new west addition on Trinity Lutheran Church Herald article 9-21-53
11-20-53 grand opening of Bon Marche's men's shop in remodeled Balboa Theater
12-5-53 major remodel of Betts Variety three day grand opening, on sw cor Everett at Highland, had opened in 1942
1-4-54 first meeting of what was to be Snohomish County Museum Association
1-14-54 new red and white stop signs to replace yellow signs
1-24-54 50th anniversary of Trinity Lutheran Church and beginning of week long celebraton Herald article 1-16-54
2-1-54 A.G. Sorenson Real Estate and Insurance moved to 1707 Hewitt and changed name to Sorenson Realty
2-8-54 Port plan to fill 2000 acres west of Jetty for industrial sites, to include yacht basin, fishing fleet basin, seaplane base and airport Herald this date
3-19-54 day declared Elisabeth Kempkes Day for long time teacher by Mayor Unzelman
4-9-54 announcement of Everett Mutual Listing Service for realtors
5-12-54 Rucker Hill Park donated by Ruby and Jasper Rucker and Margaret Rucker-Armstrong
5-15-54 5:02 a.m earthquake
6-1-54 big annexation vote failed
6-8-54 small boat launch at 14th St.
6-11-54 grand opening of Goodwill store, 2726 Lombard
6-21-54 baseball playfield at 48th and Colby dedicated
6-28-54 new Broadway Cutoff to open this week (today this is north bound lanes of I-5)
7-2-54 Ray's Union 76 opened at sw cor 37th and Broadway
7-15-54 new fire station se corn Beverly Blvd and Madison dedicated, Herald story 7-14-54
7-15-54 grand opening of Harbin's Richfield 40th and Broadway (3930) ?
7-16-54 Bond Street power station destroyed by fire
7-16-54 Meadowmoor plant at ne cor 52nd and Evergreen remodeled, new trademark Medosweet
7-18-54 Everett's first official Soap Box Derby
7-21-54 east side of 2300 and 2400 blocks of Norton cleared and being leveled for a Scott Paper parking lot
8-6-54 First Natl. Bank of Everett drive-in branch opened, 2900 block Hoyt west side, open house, opened on 8-9
9-7-54 first day of school at View Ridge School
10-22-54 new health rooms and boys locker rooms being added to South Jr. gym, expected to be completed in Nov.
10-29-54 Everett Federal Savings and Loan Assn. under construction on southeast corner of Hoyt and Wall
11-15-54 Granada Theatre, 2926 Wetmore, closed, had opened in 1927 David Dilgard Footlights
11-16-54 dedication of VOA annex along Calif St. at Lombard
11-16-54 apparently last show for the Granada Theater
11-25-54 noted new drive up mailbox at post office here
12-4-54 new west addition well under way on Trinity Lutheran Church Herald this date
1-21-55 grand opening Multi-Flavor Ice Cream Drive-In, 3719 Rucker
3-2-55 Civil Defense hosted first meeting in a series at Hawthorne School to discuss preparedness in case of H Bomb attacks in Everett Herald 3-1-55
4-18-55 Fighter Interceptor Squadron station at Paine Air Base (discontinued in 1960) Bertrand Arcadia book p 79
4-20-55 traffic signal at Everett and Wetmore
4-23-55 repaving Rucker from 19th to Everett and later Hewitt between Broadway and Virginia, this would leave few blocks with brick streets
5-55 somewhere about here the median was removed on 19th from Rucker to Walnut
5-12-55 noted that Everett Pulp and Paper Co. was changing name to Simpson Paper Co. had been purchased by Simpson in 1952
5-31-55 stop light installed this afternoon at Everett and Rucker
6-4-55 GN 80-ft chimney at Delta yards coming down.
6-5-55 open house at new Lillian Abramson nursing home, 2120 Madison
6-9-55 98 degrees, buckled pavement on 41st, hottest day on record for years
6-16-55 Security State Bank open house at sw cor 50th and Claremont
6-17-55 grand opening Dickson and Cressell new Chevron station 1601 Broadway
6-18-55 grand opening Bill's Richfield 3929 Broadway (perhaps on east side?)
6-28-55 paper machine 4 went into operation today at Scott Paper
6-8-55 grand opening Mel's Cafe, 3201 Rucker
7-29-55 grand opening of Sea Horse Snack Bar and Delicatessen in Mukilteo
7-31-55 Carter drug had moved to 2227 Bdwy, after having been at 2215 Bdwy since 1947 Herald
8-15-55 2 portables to join a 3rd at So. Jr., 5 going up at Madison, 5 at Lowell
8-16-55 12 oz. and 16 oz. Coca Cola being sold in Everett area this week
8-17-55 new Safeway at 1715 Bdwy opened (bldg was along Bdwy not McDougall), building barely lasted 15 yrs
8-25-55 remodeled Newberrys, 2814 Colby, reopened, Herald article 8-24-55
9-2-55 newly located new store for Karl's Shoes at 2820 Colby
9-8-55 new six-doctor clinic under construction on southeast corner of Pacific and Kromer (Herald caption on that date)
9-10-55 old Jackson School on Norton being razed
9-10-55 new Yield-Right-of-Way sign on 32nd at Colby
9-17-55 first direct dial non-long distance service between Everett and Marysville
9-21-55 Everett Music and TV Co. opened at 2625 Colby
10-1-55 open house at Eastmont. Five new houses under construction, the first I believe
10-3-55 Julian's Styling Salon opened at 2625 Colby
10-4-55 Rosemary, Forest Park elephant, was dead, came here June 1951
10-14-55 Temwalt Terrace being developed (Jade and Oklahoma off McDougall)
11-04-55 new bldg for Sager Construction at 2911 Bond St.
11-06-55 View Ridge School dedicated
11-11-55 4 signs up at gateways like totem, traffic safeyty contest between Everett and Yakima
2-1-56 Bond's Colonial Shop at 4302 Evergreen opened
2-1-56 tearing down the Delta Yards buildings
2-13-56 major fire at Herald that extended into the next day
3-3-56 Everett Trust and Savings opened new branch at 1801 Broadway
3-29-56 new PUD substation started this week on Paine between 34th and 35th
3-31-56 last day for Payless Food Store, 2714 Colby
4-11-56 hangar doors installed at Alaska Airlines, Paine Field
4-18-56 Carl Wilson Elliot believed to be Clark Park (10 yrs. ago) murderer
4-19-56 new Burch's Penguin Cafe at 2814 Wetmore, previously at 2933 Colby
4-26-56 Popp's Cleaners moved to 1409 from 1407 Hewitt
5-3-56 new traffic signal at 41st & Bdwy, 2nd traffic activated in Pacific Coast
5-6-56 new Doctor Clinic at se cor Pacific and Kromer dedicated
5-18-56 open house Natl. Cash Register Co. in new bldg, 2520 Colby
5-19-56 mill blaze, Everett Lumber Co., foot of Railroad Ave.
5-19-56 train wreck at 14th and Norton. Herald 5-21-56
6-7-56 Ross Bootery began closing out sale after 26 years at 2812 Colby
6-14-56 Twevle Futreliner sp? buses arrived at Memorial Staudium for the 4-day GM Parade of Progress traveling exhibit on 3-year North American tour
6-15-56 grand opening Royal Drive-In Cleaners, 3510 Bdwy
6-15-56 grand opening Pardee's Dine-In, 1021 Bdwy
7-11-56 Jerread's Funeral Home added Cassidy to the front of the name
7-12-56 open house for new Travelodge, 3030 Bdwy
7-30-56 Al Larson's Paint Store moved from 19th & Bdwy to 1910 36th
8-3-56 Hulbert Mill fire
8-3-56 Equator left on the jetty this week, would stay there until 6-26-67
8-15-56 last Everett Yacht Club meeting in Black Prince modern addition and it was being taken apart
8-18-56 Robinson Marina opened
8-18-56 Equator left on jetty this week story?
8-31-56 Hall's Phcy opened their new store in the new lobby of the new part of the Medical and Dental Bldg.
9-1-56 last class graduated from Providence School of Nursing ?
9-15-56 old parish hall at Trinity Episcopal Church being dismantled
9-19-56 Ross Bootery, 2812 Colby, going out of business soon
9-21-56 S. Colby had new lights from 32nd to 52nd and new paving from 46th to 52nd
9-6-56 Dominicans moved from Everett Ave. (old St. Dominics bldg) to Woodway I believe
9-27-56 new pink neon sign recently erected atop Scott Paper Co.
10-21-56 declared Natural Gas Week for Everett with coming of natural gas
10-26-56 grand opening Westview Cafeteria 3rd floor Medical & Dental Bldg.
11-4-56 Morris the Florist opened at 5626 Hwy 99 So.
11-9-56 Van Winkles Furniture reopening after adding a story to bldg at n.e. corner Wetmore and California
11-14-56 Paine AFB F-89D crashed near Hat Island, two airmen rescued from water.
11-22-56 GNRR oil tanks on waterfront near Maple Hts. being dismantled.
11-30-56 Hal Weir's Appliance & Edgewater TV grand opening new bldg, 4315-17 Rucker
11-30-56 grand opening Jerry Forshee's Signal stn on n.e. cor. of 41st & Colby
1-3-57 city council approved new stoplights at Pacific & Wetmore, Wall & Wetmore, Rucker & Calif., 47th & Evergreen. 52nd & Evergreen likely to follow
1-5-57 demolition of GN Delta roundhouse had begun
1-10-57 announcement that Woolworth would take entire corner replacing Brewsters
1-25-57 opening of Bing's drive-in 2515 Bdwy
1-30-57 So. Jr. new music bldg opened this week, No. Jr.'s came later
2-4-57 opening of Farm Service Store (Co-op), Hewitt and State
2-10-57 groundbreaking for General Parish Hall, Trinity Episcopal
2-19-57 groundbreaking for new north end EJC campus
2-26-57 construction of new Safeway supermarket at Madison and Highway 99 apparently going ahead
3-1-57 open house for new Alpine Cafeteria and Westerner Room at B&M Shopping Center
3-6-57 Olivia Park School opened recently
3-9-57 grand opening Alpine Cafeteria in B&M Shopping Center opened to public 3-4?
3-14-57 Penneys remodel with escalators ready, grand reopening
4-12-57 Chuck Lee Swim School opened in old Granada Theater
4-19-57 Welk Music moved from 2607 to 2609 Colby
4-23-57 grand opening of Bud's Cafi, new building same location on Broadway
5-3-57 gala reopening of Sky Vu drive-in theater, but it couldn't have been for long as new warehouse was on site by year's end
5-10-57 grand opening of Tuerks Stadium Drive-In, sw cor 38th and Broadway
6-8-57 Norma and Dusty opened Carousel Music Center at 2510 Colby
6-28-57 Riverside Lumber, 2914 Walnut, burned
7-16-57 Binyon Optometrists opened new store at 2625 Colby, had been a block south
7-19-57 Tyee Bowl grand opening
7-20-57 NP began retirement of 3 remaining 1906 steam locomotives based at Everett NP yard, additional diesel powered units to be delivered to NP yard here soon (Herald)
7-21-57 KQTY radio stn went on the air
8-1-57 Pay 'n Save Drugs, 2709-11 Colby to expand into 2713 where Binyon Optical was; Binyon moved a block north
8-3-57 new clinic under construction on northeast corner of 32nd and Colby
8-7-57 concrete lamp post taken down at Wall and Hoyt in front of Monte Cristo as city changed to new mercury-vapor system
8-8-57 grand opening for expanded Woolworth's store at nw cor Hewitt and Colby, started three days of celebration Herald 8-7-57
8-8-57 grand opening of Thom McAn shoe store at 2808 Colby
8-8-57 open house for new Simpson Paper office bldg on 2nd
8-30-57 first of new street light poles erected at Wall and Wetmore by City Hall
8-30-57 grand opening of Everett Sportsmen's Club 1905 Hewitt
9-4-57 new 1958 Edsel in Hutchings Motors showroom
9-15-57 first direct distance dialing from Everett to Seattle and a number of places from Issaquah to Edison
9-20-57 grand reopening of Friedlanders in newly remodeled Realty Bldg, Hewitt & Colby northeast corner
9-22-57 new Trinity Episcopal Parish Hall dedicated, story in Herald actually dedicated on 9-24
10-11-57 'Lights On' celebration with new overhead streetlights downtown
10-11-57 new dining room and Derby Room opened at Turf, 1712 Hewitt
10-17-57 new music building at North Junior now in use
10-19-57 fire 1720 Hewutt upstairs bowling alley, didn't destroy bldg, (later fire did)
10-21-57 open house for new and remodeled Pay 'n Save
11-20-57 Longfellow school multi-purpose room dedicated, Sen. Jackson spoke
11-26-57 Gov. Roselini here to cut ribbon at new Public Assistance Bldg, 2821 Grand
12-2-57 formal opening of Arthur Murray studio above Woolworth's
12-11-57 new Safeway opened on Evergreen Way west sude just south of Madison
12-13-57 grand opening of Evergreen Drug on old Safeway building at sw cor 41st & Rucker
12-30-57 open house at Coast Truck Line new terminal, 34th & Pine, where Sky-Vu drive-in theater was
12-18-57 School District No. 101 dissolved, portions to District No. 2 (Everett) and District No. 417 (Bothell/Northshore)
1-1-58 annexation of Darlington and Queen Anne Additions on Mukilteo Blvd.
1-29-58 Tradewell at 4920 Evergreen Way opened
2-1-58 annexation of area out to Berkshire Dr.
2-13-58 Elgin Baylor of Seattle U played here, had last year too
2-21-58 first basketball game in new Everett Junior College gym
3-14-58 launched this week 2nd street light project, Hewitt from Grand to Hoyt and from Wetmore to Virginia, Rucker from Everett to Pacific
3-14-58 Robinson Marina grand opening
4-10-58 Norton Alverson viaduct opened
4-19-58 Emerson School dedicated
5-4-58 fire Chapman Apts. 3114 Oakes, didn't destroy (later fire did)
5-18-58 Everett phone numbers went from 6 to 7 digits, i.e. BAview 6797 became ALpine 2-6797
6-2-58 first atomic submarine USS Nautilus S SN-571 visited Everett overnight before sailing to Seattle and then secretly sailing to the Arctic, bought Barrs Leak
6-3-58 USS Nautilus left for North Pole via Seattle and Hawaii, reached it Aug. 3, 1958
6-21-58 deal recently signed for new Everett sewage lagoon
7-25-58 grand opening of Down Towner in old Imperial Cafe
7-27-58 dedication on new Congregational Church, nw cor Everett & Rockefeller, began in old church and ended in new church
8-9-58 Elliot Bay Lumber Co. fire Fire Boys
9-3-58 first day for Evergreen Jr. High, dedication next April
9-10-58 class started in new EJC north end campus
9-24-58 from ad: Ross Winde leaving 3002 Hoyt for 2501 Broadwy
10-10-58 lights approved for Calif. and Rock, Pacific and Rock., Pacific and Hoyt
10-14-58 Herald issue with new EJC dediccation
10-20-58 warehouse blaze, Hogland Transfer, 32nd & McDougall
10-31-58 Vice President Richard Nixon at Paine Field
11-3-58 PUD moved from Pacific & Colby to California & Virginia
11-7-58 new stop light at 23rd & Walnut, lights on Walnut at 19th and Everett to follow soon
11-10-58 Everett Ave. to be resurfaced between Bdwy and Walnut and the dirt (it had been originally planned and used as a blvd) center stripe removed
11-28-58 open house in new PUD building
12-1-58 free right turn reinstated in Everett, had been last year, but state had ruled as unlawful
12-4-58 GallenKamp's Shoes opened, 2804 Colby
12-10-58 Benson's Camera opened today at 1611A Hewitt
12-11-58 first 2 Carter gas stns in Everett, 23rd & Bdwy (sw corner), Madison & Evergreen (sw corner)
12-14-58 Colby Manor Nursing Home opened, 4230 Colby
1-13-59 23rd east of Broadway had been named an arterial
1-21-59 decesion made recently to close Jefferson School
2-20-59 had just removed interurban rails on 3000 Colby
2-26-59 flowering trees to be planted on Grand, Rucker, Hoyt, Colby from 10th to Alverson, and on Alverson
2-27-59 PUD neon sign being put into place near Hewitt on PUD property
3-7-59 new Herald building open
3-9-59 Claremont post office opened, dedication on the 28th, it was at 5033 Claremont
3-16-59 Peoples Bank opened in new building se corner Hewitt & Rockefeller
4-5-59 Evergreen Jr. High dedicated, opened last September
5-1-59 closing date for Hulbert Mill. Herald
5-5-59 Pier 3 given to Port of Everett by Great Northern Railway
5-13-59 spectacular morning fire at Olympic Motel, 5230 Evergreen Way
8-20-59 new stop light at Bothell Hwy and Bdwy Cutoff
8-28-59 Simpson Lumber Co. merged its paper operations in Everett with Lee Paper Co. to become Simpson Lee Paper Co.
9-15-59 open house at new Herald plant
9-18-59 Security State Bank of Everett merged with Nation Bank of Washington. Herald 9-17-59
10-3-59 Glacier Bowl opened tonight at 9630 Hwy 99 S.
11-14-59 Econo-Mart opened at sw cor Evergreen Wy and Pecks Dr
11-15-59 Olivia Park Elementary dedicated
11-21-59 new Greyhound bus depot at ne cor Pacific and Hoyt dedicated
12-2-59 new Safeway at nw cor. of Everett and Colby dedicated
12-3-59 Madison Square, on west side of Evergreen Way just south of Madison St. dedicated
12-17-59 new Scott Paper Co. three-story warehouse recently put into service.
19-19-59 first street trees at Everett and Colby avenues, new Everett Savings and Loan Assn bldg.
12-19-59 Everett Aerie No. 13 presented Ten Commandments monolith for conspicuous display at City Hall, first in state
12-23-59 Chapman Apts. (old Summit Hotel) 3114 Oakes, burned
12-23-59 new traffic light Calif. and Bdwy. It didn't last
12-31-59 Madison area joined city, first major annexation
1-4-60 First Federal Savings and Loan Assn. moved into their new building southwest corner of Colby and Everett avenues.
1-14-60 grand opening of First Federal Savings in new building on southwest corner of Colby and Everett avenues.
2-9-60 Albertson's at ne corner Madison and Evergreen opened this west facing building was later replaced
2-10-60 Tradewell celebrating grand opening of Evergreen Way store
3-1-60 321st Fighter Interceptor Squadron discontinued at Paine Air Base, had come in 1955, Bertrand Arcadia Paine book p 79
3-18-60 winning bidders buy 72 A (shipyard property) on waterfront Pacific Towboat, Scott, Western Gear who announced move to Everett Bob Mayer
4-3-60 last services in old Baptist Church 2925 Lombard
4-10-60 First Baptist moved into new church at sw cor Pacific and Wetmore
4-21-60 Hodges Bldg fire (see Herald 4-22-60 p1)
4-29-60 Prescription Optical opened in Pacific & Colby bldg
4-29-60 Walt's Milk House opened at 44th and Rucker
4-29-60 signs going up this week in Madison area for street name changes like Beech, Sycamore, Tamarack and Allen
4-30-60 groundbreaking for new buildings at Parkland Lutheran Children's home 4500 Federal
5-1-60 Ford dealership Hutchings Motors became Klein Motors
5-5-60 Super Shingle dry kiln fire
5-21-60 Bowen-Ingram (5320 Evergreen Way) and Econo-Mart (6220 Evergreen Way) merged under the Bowen-Ingram name at the Econo-Mart location
6-7-60 first sewage into new Smith Is. lagoon
6-8-60 oepening of H.O. Seiffert Home & Handyman's Center on 2400 Hewitt
6-29-60 Tradewell, 2015 Broadway opened
7-10-60 dedication of the Music Bowl (not gazebo) in Clark Park
7-15-60 grand opening of Fuller Paint & Glass Store, 3025 Rucker Ave.
8-17-60 View Ridge Thriftway opened Herald 8-16-60
9-7-60 first day of school ever at St. Mary Magdalen School, grades 1-4 only, to add a grade a year
9-27-60 Elks fire
10-10-60 Mildred Simpson elected in special election to become first woman as Everett City Commissioner (Finance)
10-15-60 new First Natl. Bank branch in Claremont opened
10-16-60 new Immaculate Conception convent and parish hall blessed
10-17-60 new traffic light at 52nd and Evergreen
10-23-60 St. Mary Magdalen building dedicated
10-24-60 new steeple put into place atop First Presbyterian Church 2936 Rockefeller Ave.
11-9-60 Sheriff Bob Twitchell found guilty of duty neglect
11-11-60 Elks moved into old Windmill bldg, 7418 Evergreen Way
11-16-60 Glengarry Inn (restaurant) between Everett and Marysville open by this date
11-20-60 new Parkland Children's Home dedicated
11-22-60 Thorpe Furniture, 3015 Colby, quitting business
12-24-60 last day for Montgomery Ward store at 2819 Colby
1-6-61 open house new addition to YMCA
4-6-61 Butts Store building on Ebey Is. by trestle burned to the ground
4-9-61 dedication of new Central Christian Church at 26th and Hoyt.
5-2-61 Laruel Hieghts area voted for annexation
5-13-61 to be a traffic light by end of summer at Casino and Hwy 99
5-20-61 North Pacific Fair structures on Stock Show Rd. being razed.
5-30-61 new pool at Everett Golf and Country inaugurated
6-7-61 first Edgewater Casino annexation attempt failed
6-14-61 new traffic light installed at Beverly Dr. (75th) and Highway 99 (Evergreen Way)
6-28-61 Northwestern Lumber and Mfg Co damaged by fire, crews from Lowell and Paine helped, Herald
6-30-61 new Hwy 1-A (now 9) bridge over Snohomish River opened
7-1-61 Jazwieck's miniature golf opened joining "Trainland"
7-7-61 decision to name Silver Lake park for Thornton Sullivan, present and longtime Parks Board president
7-15-61 Slim's drive-in open on Hwy 99 near Paine Field cutoff
7-18-61 this week city's first neon sign taken down, at London Cafe, 2013 Hewitt, since 1926
7-21-61 grand opening of 5 Star Furniture, 3015 Colby
8-3-61 Montgomery Ward catalogue store opened at 2524 Colby
8-5-61 Arctic Circle Drive In opened at 6600 Evergreen
8-8-61 Herald ad selling off all of Bowen-Ingram Econo Mart, now insolvent
8-10-61 merger announced First Natl. Bank of Everett and Seattle-First Natl. Bank
8-15-61 county jail riot
8-25-61 Land Title Co. opened in new building at 5021 Claremont Ave.
9-5-61 Cascade H.S. opened I believe
9-7-61 roof being constructed at Memorial Stadium
9-16-61 voters approved annexation to Mukilteo Edgewater to Casino
9-18-61 former Gov. Mon Wallgren of Everett died
9-18-61 big warehouse fire Weyerhaeuser Mill A
9-26-61 new Madison Branch of Everett Public Library opened at East Dr. and Roseway
9-28-61 median installed this week along Bdwy from 12th to 26th, so no left turns except at 13th and 14th
10-18-61 traffic signal at California and Broadway changed to an amber blinking light
10-31-61 Western Gear announced gradual move to Everett, 100 already here Bob Mayer
11-07-61 Western Gear tests, ready to ship 94' diameter turntable for Space Needle Bob Mayer
12-1-61 USS Everett stricken from Navy list (launched 9-29-43)
12-7-61 former Sheriff Bob Twitchell and three co-defendents found guilty today of conspiring to run a prostitution in the county
12-21-61 Imperial 400 Motel opened (building torn down fall 2011)
2-4-62 small bomb blast at courthouse
2-26-62 Lowell fire station now part of EFD
2-27-62 Mukilteo rejected annexation to Everett, service extended to Lowell and Pinehurst, next entry might be wrong.
2-28-62 Lowell and Pinehurst officially became part of Everett after earlier annexation vote
3-11-62 dedication of new steeple Trinity Lutheran Church Herald article 3-10-62
3-15-62 last of Hulbert Mill burned by EFD
3-29-62 ground broken for new Everett Clinic, 39th and Colby-Hoyt
3-30-62 dedication of new West Coast Telphone Co. building at 1800 41st
3-31-62 ongoing grand opening of House of Values (formerly Econo Mart) at 6220 Hwy 99 s.
4-1-62 ground broken for new Methodist Church at 36th and Colby
4-14-62 grand opening of Ray's Drive-In, 1401 Broadway
4-15-62 formal rededication of remodeled after fire Elks Club bldg; they were already in it
5-2-62 Treasure House opened in new location, 2714 Colby; had been at 2926 Colby
5-7-62 Eclipse Mill fire
5-8-62 Ernst-Malmo official opening 4920 Evergreen Way
5-16-62 first Douglas gas station in state started pumping gas today at 6923 Evergreen Way, another followed in about three weeks on Hwy 99 N. south of Tower.
5-18-62 Western Gear move to Evertt completed with official address 2100 Norton Ave. Bob Mayer
6-5-62 voters approved large annexation as far as 100th St., added 4600 residents
6-27-62 Bank of Everett chartered
7-9-62 grand opening of Bank of Everett in temporary quarters on 2724 Wetmore.
7-27-62 Chester Beard remodel and enlargement grand reopening
8-5-62 fire at Hoglunad Transfer Company's storage warehouse on 3200 block Paine, some of building was built from wood fron Nail Works on Bayside Herald 8-6-62
8-15-62 Shakeys Pizza opened at 6305 Evgn Way, Herald article on this date
8-19-62 dedication of new entrance Trinity Lutheran Church Herald article 4-18-62
8-31-62 Lowell post office discontinued
9-1-62 Lowell post office replaced by Lowell Branch
9-11-62 Sumner Iron Works sold to Black Clawson
9-15-62 East Crest Hills Community Club dedicated
10-12-62 Columbus Day Storm
10-20-62 Tyee Bowl grand opening and open house
11-14-62 B&M Everett Ave. and Broadway opened today
11-16-62 Maier Electric had grand opening in new location, 2607 Wetmore, had been at 2008 Hewitt
11-16-62 advertising in Herald for two new areas: Glenhaven and Impreial Hills off 7th Ave.
11-23-62 grand opening of Novak (formerly Dolloff) Oldsmobile
1-27-63 fire Lowell School Fire Boys
2-14-63 Super Shingle, last mill on 14th St. Dock was torched to make room for small boat moorage
2-14-63 Grand opening of Haggens Thriftway, formerly View Ridge Thriftway, at shopping center, Mukilteo and Olympic boulevards.
3-3-63 dedication of remodeled Floral Hall
3-25-63 K&H Printers reopened at 17th and Bdwy after being in the Commerce Block for years
4-6-63 Putt-A-Way miniature golf course at 7th and Hwy 99 across from Hilltop Drive-in opened
4-10-63 beginning of arboretum, Arbor Day planting of pin oak, Herald articles on 4-7 and 4-10
4-21-63 one-way street system went into effect, Calif w Lombard to Rucker, Wall e Rucker to Lombard, Hoyt n 32 to 26, Wetmore s 26 to 32 (these changed later)
4-22-63 cabin cruiser Blue Water sank in Pt. Gardner Bay
4-28-63 new First Methodist Church, nw cor 36th and Colby, offically consecrated
5-1-63 Hasler's or Hausler's Restaurant at 2913 Norton opened, by 6-11-63 it was closed
5-4-63 Perpetual Help convent dedicated
5-13-63 Everett Clinic opened today in new location at 39th & Colby Herald 5-11-63
6-1-63 Everett Public Library remodel dedication
6-5-63 graduation at Cascade gym of first graduating class
6-6-63 Everett Trust was in new quarters, remodeled Montgomery Ward store, open house two days later
6-12-63 Meadowcroft and Carras had purchased Novak Olds GMC (formerly Dolloff) and renamed Holiday
6-13-63 open house at remodeled train station
7-4-63 remodeled armory dedicated
7-28-63 dedication of new middle building at Bethany home
7-31-63 Marion Joseph Bradburn of Everett arrested for threatening to kill JFK (see Herald 8-1-63 p 1)
8-9-63 dedication of new Bank of Everett bldg on Calif. at Wetmore nw cor (moved in on 7-29-63)
8-17-63 open house at Everett Ambulance and Doctors Service at 3702 Colby Ave.
9-14-63 by this time there were automatic scorers at Evergreen and Glacier Lanes
9-15-63 oepning of new parish Education Bldg of Central Lutheran Church
9-19-63 O.P. Nelson jeweler, 2934 colby, qutting business after 28 years here
9-29-63 open house for library remodel
11-6-63 new cobra lights on Broadway lit
1-2-64 new manual traffic signal into operatubg at Bev Blvd and Madison St., Bev had right of way, similar to one at 35th and Rucker
1-14-64 destruction began today on Jefferson School; it took 11 days
2-28-64 Simpson Lee and Everett Improvement Co. donated Candy Cane Park (Lowell Park) to city.
3-15-64 3 day grand opening of Taco Time 3805 Rucker on site where Veltex station was, replaced by new building in 1995
4-3-64 Burch's Penguin Cafe, 2814 Wetmore, closed
4-17-64 grand opening of new Owl Rexall Store, 2823 Colby
4-25-64 St. Mary Magdalen convent dedicated
4-23-64 grand opening of remodeled Kress store, 2822 Colby
6-1-64 Allen Buick became part of Holdiay Olds, Buick, GMC Inc.
6-12-64 grand opening of Mr. Kwid Kar Wash ne cor 36th and Broadway
6-12-64 Parks gained Harborview Park
6-28-64 new post office dedicated
7-22-64 opening of IGA Foodliner in Eastmont
7-23-64 90mm cannon moved into place at south end of Legion Park
8-1-64 demolition in progress on old First Methodist Church, Broadway at Wall.
10-26-64 Richard Nixon visited Everett, spoke to audience in Everett Theater
10-11-64 McCollum Park dedicated
11-7-64 Brothers Four played at Cascade High gym
10-7-64 Everett Park Dept crews planting evergreen trees in new aggregate cup-shaped planters, Herald
11-13-64 Herfy's at 5034 Claremont opened (2nd in chain)
11-18-64 grand opening of A&P at 6308 Evergreen Way
11-30-64 SeaMor Marina, 3878 Railway Ave., gutted by fire
12-12-64 Farm Products closed its doors after 60 years, believed to be the oldest grocery store in town had opened 1910 (nw corn Calif. and Lombard)
12-13-64 new Jefferson School at Eastmont officially dedicated, had opened in fall
12-19-64 Kash 'n Kart's grand opening in its new building 2201 36th St.
12-30-64 Dennys Restaurant, 2016 Hewitt opened
1-26-65 Skiff 99 Tavern between Everett and Marysville burned, had been built as Glengarry Inn in 1959 I believe
1-29-65 Old 55 at 7308 Evergreen Way was closing and being moved, had opened in 1939
2-03-65 19.7 miles of Everett-Seattle freeway opened (Eastmont to University District)
3-24-65 Penneys Auto Center on 3000 Colby opened
4-29-65 earthquake
6-30-65 Head Start program for children started in Everett
8-10-65 addition to Penneys in old Sheraton Trading Post bldg. ne cor Calif. & Hoyt
10-3-65 Double K Food at nw cor 41st & Hoyt opened
4-10-65 courthouse Annex building razed, built 1908
4-15-65 interchanges on I 5 at 128th, 220th, 236th opened
4-25-65 this week a crane pulled down the old sawmill, part of the Delta GN yards
5-18-65 relay station towers on 132nd being dismantled
8-9-65 former Sheraton Trading Post had been added to a remodeled Penneys and was ready to open
8-10-65 signage was completed for 23rd St. being an arterial from Wetmore to Broadway (was already east of Broadway but hadn't always been)
8-14-65 new Bel-Air apartments, 2501 Rucker, ready for occupancy
9-29-65 Klein Motors at 52nd and Evergreen celebrating grand opening, first garage to move to south end
10-6-65 ground broken for Tyee Aircraft's $103,000 plant at Paine Field
11-10-65 grand opening of Town & Country (T&C) Foods in Eastmont
10-11-65 new Boys Club ready for dedication at 12th and Rainier
12-10-65 Jiff's drive-in now open at 4819 Evergreen Way.
12-25-65 Bon Marche parking garage across Wetmore under construction
12-29-65 announcement that a K Mart was coming to town
1-10-66 fire Maddocks Frozen Food Lockers 2120 Hewitt
1-24-66 Robert Kennedy at Everett Community College
3-4-66 Penney's Auto Center ne corner Pac. and Colby opened
3-30-66 Charles R. Denney Youth Center opened
4-13-66 Boeing unveiled 747 program
5-2-66 Boeing publicly said it was "considering" Paine Field for factory
5-17-66 Austin co. began soil sampling and limited clearing on Boeing site
6-10-66 plans for Valu-Mart at 8830 Evergreen Way city public works records
6-16-66 preliminatry construction began at Everett Boeing site
6-17-18-66 Herald Boeing and City announced major factory at Paine Field
9-21-66 K Mart ready to open
9-26-66 Vice Pres. Hubert Humphrey in Everett; flew over proposed Boeing site
10-4-66 Bobby Kennedy rode north on Colby at 23rd, and on to Everett Junior College
10-12-66 demolition of old jail, 3017 Rockefeller, taking place; health dept. bldg next door at 3011 already down,
10-26-66 on or about flagpole on courthouse grounds being moved from between two chestnut trees to new plaza north of new building, Herald
10-28-66 last fire had flickered at city dump by this date, a landfill was replacing
11-10-66 spur connecting Boeing plant to railroad complete - steepest grade rail line in country
11-14-66 by this date it was announced Weyerhaeuser had ceased all open burning of refuse, instead landfill near Kraft Mill,
12-17-66 By this date demolition had begun on the old Snohomish Co. Detention Home on north end of court house block.
12-21-66 sky bridge betwen Bon Marche and new parking garage going up over Wetmore, Herald on or about this date
12-24-66 new architectural firm David Dykeman Jr. and Charles B. Ogden in Minor-Jones Bldg. 1712 Pacific
1-3-67 first work started on Boeing 747, work started inside unfinished 747 plant
1-21-67 detention home being torn down, Granada Hotel being torn down, First Natl. Bank to be torn down.
3-28-67 construction had started on Puget Park Drive-In 128th and fwy
4-27-67 7-story addition going up at Gen'l Hosp.
4-27-67 Behars Furniture & Carpet to have grand opening starting tomorrow, 2100 Bdwy
5-1-67 Boeing 747 plant officially opened, Bertrand Arcadia Paine book p87
5-4-67 old Garske Packing Plant 7214 Evgn Way burned while being razed
5-21-67 Bon Marche fire 2802 Wetmore possibly following day? Fire Boys
6-26-67 Equator freed from Jetty this week. Had been there since 8-56
7-21-67 new courthouse wing dedicated five-story attached to Mission Bldg
7-26-67 final graduating class for General Hospital School of Nursing
8-5-67 about Northwestern Lumber Co. ceasing operation on 15 acre site, purchased by E.A. Nord next door north, Herald article
8-14-67 Harborview Park leased annually from railroad
8-31-67 Jamison Mill destroyed by fire
9-2-67 old C-B mill destroyed by arson fire
10-7-67 Everett Assistant Guild became Everett Assistance League
11-26-67 new Immaculate Conception church consecrated
12-16-67 grand opening of Sea-First in new bldg., Hewitt & Colby
1-18-68 opening of freeway from 41st to the river
2-1-68 Beach Boys and Buffalo Springfield played a concert at EvCC
2-13-68 P-40 being taken down from Tony Dyre's Bayview service at Federal, Bond, Hewitt, after being there nearly 20 years, it was restored and flew again
2-28-68 Wiggums Hollow Park acquired
3-16-68 Everett Plywood fire
4-24-68 Eagles (Wisconsin Block) at Hewitt and Hoyt gutted by fire
7-20-68 Yacht Club by Pier 1 closed Bertrand Modern Everett
9-16-68 Valley View neighborhood opened this week
9-30-68 first Boeing 747 jumbo jet - the City of Everett - rolled out of Everett plant, Bertrand Arcadia Paine book p 92
12-12-68 demolition began on Granada Theater building 2900 block Wetmore
2-09-69 inaugural flight of first 747
2-19-69 Boeing became the county's biggest taxpayer
2-12-69 Sears moved to what would be Everett Mall
3-27-69 alumina dome on waterfront nearly completed Seattle Times
3-31-69 Bank of Everett branch at 4601 Elm began operations Herald 6-29-76
4-8-69 new west bound trestle opened
4-9-69 grand opening of Fidelity Savings at northeast corner of Hewitt and Wetmore
4-26-69 quitting sale started for Van Winkle Furniture, 2731 Wetmore
4-29-69 Normanna Hall burned
5-2-69 Paul Alley camera shop, 2820 Colby, burned
5-7-69 Providence Hospital Nursing School builidng on 3100 Nassau being razed
5-14-69 new Safeway store opened on 4100 Rucker Herald article on 5-12-69
5-14-69 Everett Marysville freeway opened from river across flats (Snohomish River to Ebey Slough - 4 miles)
5-27-69 last wigwam burner in Everett, Scott's on Norton, went down last week.
7-4-69 Der Wienerschnitzel, 5905 Evergreen Way to open in August
7-9-69 first 747 test flight, Bertrand Arcadia Paine book p 93
7-9-69 MacPherson's Realty had opened at 5917 Evergreen Way
7-10-69 Alumina Dome ready for first loading
7-11-69 beginning grand opening fiesta at Taco Bell, 5821 Evergreen Way
7-11-69 construction of Everett's first Mcdonald's had begun at 7416 Evergreen Way
7-30-69 fire in Monte Cristo lounge
9-20-69 Baker View Apts, 15th & Baker dedicated
10-13-69 Alumina Dome on waterfront dedicated
12-12-69 Boeing delivered first 747 (a 747-100) to Pan Am
1-5-70 five day open house started for First Federal Savings and Loan Assn. in their new building sw cor. Everett and Colby
1-14-70 Kentucky Fried Chicken now open at 4131 Rucker, KFC at 2702 Broadway had opened a few months ago
1-21-70 747 entered commercial service with Pan Am
3-1-70 old Garfield School being demolished
3-2-70 Merger of Great Northern, Northern Pacific, Spokane, Portland and Seattle, and Chicago, Burlington and Quincy under Burlington Northern, would lead to close NP depot and yards and freight depot
3-10-70 grand opening of Safety Tire Service Co. 3002 Hoyt
3-24-70 fire South Junior auditorium
3-26-70 grand opening of Warehouse Food Store, 5231 Evergreen
3-27-70 grand opening of Shoreline Savings, 5029 Evergreen
3-28-70 last day for Pete Backlezos' shoe repair shop at 2827 Colby, had opened 4-4-36
4-24-70 Wallace Pontiac Cadillac grand opening at 7300 Evergreen Way
4-29-70 bronze figure sculpture put in place on courthouse campus
5-30-70 public opening of Highland Memorial Park
7-15-70 fire station at 16th and McDougall dedicated
9-19-70 Joe Pignataro grand opening at 3014 Rucker, had been Sevenichs
10-27-70 demo had stared for Everpark garage 2800 Hoyt
12-6-70 big fire Howarth Bldg
12-21-70 Everett Marine Ways near Pier 2 being dismantled
1-16-71 last Milwaukee R.R. freight train. the Everett local, pulled out of Everett
1-29-71 with name of Scott Paper Company recently changed to Scott, only Scott was now lit on the neon sign atop the digester building
1-29-71 Herald articles in April ground would be broken for new court house adminstrative building
1-31-71 open house at Purdy & Walters after a remodel
3-20-71 what could become Maggies Park at then west end of Everett Ave. would be completed in a week or so
3-26-71 one-way traffic on California and Wall reversed, California switched to eastbound and Wall to westbound
3-29-71 temporary mall going up on 2800 Colby, called April Park
4-23-71 Peoples Park (Jordan Park) dedicated (Herald 4-22-71), see 5-11-71, wonder which is right
5-11-71 Jordan Park between 13th and 14th on waterfront was completed, dedication came later during Salty Sea Days, see 4-23-71
5-13-71 White Front opened, building would later become Bon Marche at Everett Mall (article about building it 1-28-70)
5-14-71 water tower at Eclipse Mill taken down, office building to go on space
6-12-71 Friedlander fire that destroyed the second story of the Realty Bldg
6-12-71 Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 4132 Federal, dedication
6-12-71 dedication services for Forest Park Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 4132 Federal
6-21-71 decision made to close Longfellow School for coming school year
6-24-71 Fidelity Mutual Savings Bank had purchased Colby and Hewitt buildings on Sw corn Hewitt and Colby
6-30-71 J.K. Gill purchased Black & King, 2944 Colby and completed inventory
7-1-71 Zip 98201, changed to this as well as 98203, 98204 and 98205 Herald story 2-24-71
7-3-71 Newberrys to close and had to vacate by this date (ad Herald 6-28-71)
7-22-71 traffic discontinued permanently on 3000 Rockefeller for new courthouse construction and mall
7-23-71 Behars furniture, 2105 Broadway, had undergone another major remodel since 1967
8-13-71 Realty Bldg being rebuilt as single story bldg after fire
8-13-71 Quigley Clinic bldg Hewitt & Grand being demolished
8-23-71 Everpark garage w side of 2800 hoyr would be open next week
8-27-71 had been decided that Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Ste. Mary Magdalen would drop 9th grade, Immaculate Conception did last year when public schools went to 4 year high schools
9-10-71 last day for Spudnut Shop, 3016 Colby, opened 1948
9-30-71 tearing down Northern Pacific freight office building to enlarge B&M at Everett Ave. and Broadway
10-20-71 dedication of improved Howarth Park
11-3-71 Holiday Olds went out of business
11-4-71 Laycock Motors in place of Holiday Olds
11-17-71 new Safeway on 1700 Broadway open, old building next to Broadway being demolished
11-18-71 The Daisy opened this week in Colby Bldg, Millers had moved out months ago
11-23-71 Fashion Fabrics now open where Newberrys had been at 2814 Colby
11-25-71 announcement from fire department that all rooms above first floor in Monte Cristo Hotel would have to be vacated due to code violations etc.
2-17-72 announcement of $5 million expansion project at Nord Herald this date
1-3-72 fire 2018 73rd St. famous picture Fire Boys
3-7-72 Edward Hartley, Bayside Shingle, Hartley Shingle and genl manager of Clough-Hartley Co. died in Everett Hospital (Herald)
4-14-72 Equator placed on the Natl. Register (first Everett property so listed)
4-18-72 announcement of new 7-story bldg on w. side of 2900 Wetmore, never happened
4-20-72 demolition began on American Hotel building, n.w. corner Hewitt and Oakes
5-5-72 Goodyear in new bldg nw corner Hewitt & Hoyt, grand opening was 5-18
5-12-72 Wallace Pontiac-Cadillac 7300 Evergreen Way quitting business
5-22-72 B&M grand reopening of enlarged store to Broadway, 2615 Broadway
5-27-72 dedication of Walter E. Hall Park
5-29-72 rest area in south Everett on freeway nearly ready for use
6-23-72 A&W had reopened in new building at same location 4532 Evergreen
7-20-72 Pier 2 being demolished
8-1-72 rest area in south Everett on freeway opened today
10-4-72 Simpson Lee mill now closed see Herald on this date
11-9-72 about 25 Indians who occupied BIA offices in Fed Bldg yesterday ousted today
12-15-72 Herald article about Everett Mall going up
3-19-73 new six-story courthouse bldg now open to public
4-12-73 911 replaced 252-1111 emergency number Fire Boys
5-27-73 etermal flame on granite monument dedicated at county courthouse mall
7-19-73 houses on e-w streets in Lowell rec'd letters that addresses were changing to conform to Everett, not longer address from east to west. City records
9-18-73 acquisition of Lions Park
1-15-74 Sheriff Don Jennings, wife and mother-in-law murdered near Mazatlan, Mexico
2-09-74 smokestack at Simpson Lee (Everett Pulp and Paper) in Lowell came down
2-15-74 Cinema I, II, III opened 1512 S Bdwy (in Everett Mall) opened David Dilgard Footlights
4-8-74 Everett Trust and Savings officially opened in new large brick bldg 4200 Rucker
6-1-74 firefighter's museum on 13th St. waterfront to open, Herald 5-18-74
2-17-75 demolition of Colby Bldg began this week
3-20-75 Everett Herald reported that Western Gear built the machinery used by Hughes Glomar Explorer to raise sunket Soviet submarine
3-31-75 Fred Meyer on Evgn and Casino geared to open in fall of year Herald on this date
6-11-75 Lions Park dedicated
6-14-75 Country Kitchen opened in new bldg on southwest corner of 41st and Colby
7-31-75 fire Tuerks 3802 bdwy (opened 1957) Herald
10-15-75 Everett Fred Meyer opened
12-1-75 major flood Bertrand Modern Everett
2-16-76 former Woolworth building at Hewitt and Colby being demolished
3-25-76 foundation work being done on Cascade Bank bldg NW Hewitt & Colby
3-31-76 first girder in 'Erector Set' at Hewitt & Colby put into place
4-02-76 new Pizza Pete at SE cor 41st & Hoyt
4-29-76 celebration downtown, Hewitt & Colby trees etc., sculpture, Erector Set, opening of Place Two (in old Kress) and Jay Jacobs (in old Newberry- Fashion Fabric)
5-1-76 downtown revitalization grand opening
5-19-76 Tightrope walker walked from Cascade Savings Bldg. over Colby to Olympic Bank
6-01-76 Holdiay Inn was remodeling into the Polynesian pool area
6-10-76 city council voted to send the three bears at Forest Park to Sequim, went on 6-17-76
7-13-76 demolition of Everett Plywood (Robinson), had been closed last fall
7-28-76 Greg's Apts on Pringle Studio building 2512 Colby burned (later razed)
8-21-76 Tiz Door fire 2118 38th
11-17-76 2 killed, 3 injured at Scott Paper by sulfur dioxide
12-9-76 Cascade Savings bldg at Hewitt and Colby completed
12-26-76 Mark Nesse named new Everett Public Library today, Pat McClain also came to town about this time with the Chamber of Commerce
1-1-77 Everett Trust and Savings Bank became Olympic Bank
1-21-77 Weyerhaeuser Mill C closed today
3-22-77 David Dilgard and Margaret Riddle started the Northwest Room at the Everett Public Library
5-07-77 upper floor added to Topper Motel
5-07-77 ads about new area Kamiak
6-23-77 traffic signal being added at Norton & California
7-31-77 grand opening of Windsong, neighborhood east of Silver Lake
2-14-78 Washington Post acquisition of Herald announced today
4-22-78 Lloyd Hardware auction
1-27-79 rededication of Civic Auditorium after remodel
2-2-79 four-way traffic signals and stop signs to go at Murphy's Cor.
2-4-79 Chinese vice premier Ten Hsiao-ping at 747 plant
2-18-79 Everett Theater closed to be converted into triplex
2-20-79 last EHS basketball game in the original pit gym back of auditorium, Everett over Meadowdale 48-31
3-2-79 final closure of Weyerhaeuser Mill B
3-31-79 stoplight at 52nd and Broadway
6-22-79 Northeast Everett Neighborhood Association formed
6-30-79 paint supply bldg nw corner Wall and Grand burned see 9-29-79 which?
7-2-79 rededication of City Hall after remodel
7-9-79 traffic signal at Holly Dr. and Evergreen Way
7-10-79 Pier 3 destroyed by fire
7-24-79 first organizational meeting of Port Gardner Association
9-25-79 overturned BN tank car with liquid propane, area bordered by Colby, Pacific, Walnut Everett, evacuated.
9-29-79 paint thinner fire auto body supply nw cor Grand and Wall see 6-30-79 which if either
10-29-79 Frontier Bank grand opening of building on Evergreen Way
11-25-79 noted Arnie's a new restaurant in Mukilteo
12-10-79 new Fidelity Bank opened in new building on sw corner of Hewitt and Colby
1-1-80 $18 million marina on Everett waterfront completed
1-24-80 dental office bldg started at northwest corner 35th and Colby
4-15-80 Erickson Bros Furniture bldg at 2810 Bdwy burned to ground
6-30-80 Deaconess Children's Home closed after 82 years
7-4-80 Delta Apts, 1427 Chestnut destroyed by fire
8-1-80 Frederick & Nelson opened at the Everett Mall
9-12-80 James J. Hill Park, Hewitt & Broadway, dedicated
10-2-80 Jafco store in Everett on north Broadway opened
12-4-80 Brandywine Jewelers opened at 2806 Colby
12-10-80 500th 747 rolled off the line
12-12-80 Weyerhaeuser Mill A shut down
1-16-81 Bill Dobler sold Chaffee's
1-16-81 first basketball game in new gym across Wetmore for E.H.S.
1-24-81 fire destroyed Everett Community Church, 2532 Colby, I may be off a day or two on this
3-14-81 Saturday Herald moved to morning edition
4-5-81 first Sunday paper for Herald
4-15-81 Kidney center on Pacific Ave. at Federal opened
5-14-81 city, school district proposed property swap in Clark Park
5-20-81 Everett Tribune started
6-19-81 Joe Dutcher's Tavern closed 11923 Bothell Hwy (Silver Lake} Herald 6-21-81 (bldg went on to be something else for a time maybe seem to remember a guy scrubbing in a bathtub neon sign)
6-1-81 Newland Construction absorbed Sanford Wright Construction
6-5-81 Everett and Edmonds Community Colleges formally split today
6-17-81 name of Bomarc Park changed to William Kasch Park
7-29-81 Wave II, part of revitalization program in mid 1970s, was moved this week from the east side of 2800 Colby, to the boat launch park on the waterfront.
8-4-81 first Boeing 767 rolled out
8-20-81 hobo boy Little Dickie died after being hit by a train 10 days earlier
8-23-81 bus terminal switched to area by Everpark garage
10-20-81 Everett Pacific Hotel, Pacific and Pine, opened
10-31-81 W.T. Preston retired
1-10-82 Jim Casey last column in Herald, moved to editor
1-27-82 Nedra Bloom's last column in Herald
2-25-82 City Council moved toward new street name Marine View Dr. out of parts of Norton, Alverson, Walnut, E. Grand
2-26-82 Chaffee's closing store at Everett Mall, had operated 18 months
2-26-82 Foremost Dairy 52nd & Evergreen closed, 36 yrs. old
3-17-82 decision made to change parts of E. Grand, Walnut, Alverson and Norton to Marine View Dr. (E & W)
3-17-82 city council elected to change name of Highway 99 N to N Broadway from intersection with Broadway to north city limits, found in city records for 1031 Broadway
3-25-82 Jayna Celeste Alflen last baby born at Providence before obstetrics moved to General (changed after merger)
4-2-82 Big Top at View Ridge recently put into place
4-6-82 voters okayed paramedics in Everett
5-2-82 Port Gardner Neighborhood to plant Douglas fir trees
5-16-82 vandals torched stump house at Legion Park
5-21-82 blaze destroyed much of Mill B which was being dismantled (dated to 1915) Fire Boys
6-29-82 judge ordered 215 buried at bankrupt Highland Memorial Park Cemetery moved to Evergreen Cemetery
7-21-82 new Medic I van started responding to life and death emergencies
7-14-82 Snohomish Co. passed Spokane Co. to become third in pop. with 356,400
9-21-82 first 747-300 rolled out today
9-23-82 new wing now opened at View Ridge School
9-30-82 dedication of View Ridge School Special Services Wing (ground broken 6-10-81)
10-20-82 Al-Ind-Esk-A-Sea caught fire, sank 44 hours later
10-22-82 Colby had been changed from 4 lanes to 2 between 23rd and 34th, more parking
11-7-82 USA Today hit newsstands
11-15-82 Washington State Lottery started
11-23-82 Fire Station 6 9520 Evergreen Way started being used Fire Boys
11-29-82 3 Fed. judges ruled taking Everett out of 2nd District unconstitutional
12-20-82 fire at General Hospital
1-29-83 General Hospital 4-story Critical Care Tower opened
3-23-83 first 747-300 delivered - to Swissair Bob Mayer
3-29-83 Everett reinstated into the 2nd Congressional District
4-4-83 tire fire landfill east of freeway - (not the big one Sept. 1984) Fire Boys
5-13-83 The two smokestacks at Weyerhaeuser Mill B knocked down by explosives
6-7-83 counterbalance was being blown up on the old Ebey Is. Jack Knife Bridge, new adjacent bridge built in 1976
7-5-83 blaze destroyed four bldgs on ne cor of Hewitt and Norton
9-01-83 Sen. Henry M. Jackson died
9-7-83 Sen Jackson's funeral at Presbyterian Church, majority of Senate, House and Supreme Court here, H. Kissinger, G.H.W. Bush, Ted Kennedy present
9-83, Weyerhaeuser office moved from Mill B to 18th and W. Marine View, had been moved 5-1-38 from Mill A, would move again to fourth location to the north and west
10-13-83 Weyerhaeuser Mill A smokestack came down
10-15-83 Navy launched new sub, Henry Jackson, christened by Anna Marie Jackson, in Groton, Conn.
11-3-83 Olsons bought B&M at Everett Ave. & Bdwy
11-23-83 off shore drilling rig docked this week near foot of Pacific Ave., would stay until 1987
3-7-84 announcement Olympic Bank to become part of First Interstate
3-16-84 recent groundbreaking for Everett Marina Village
6-19-84 first Everett Giants game in Everett
6-11-84 Haggen foods had opened what it believe to be the largest supermarket in the state, TOP Foods near Everett Mall
9-84 dedication of Broadway Plaza Apts.
9-8-84 canvas top removed from Forest Park pool, permanent roof would replace
9-24-84 tire fire began lasted 7 mos
10-24-84 Anthony's Homeport officially opened in Everett Marina Village
10-31-84 Pelican Pete's Restaurant opened in Everett Marina Village
11-14-84 Video West opened 25th & Bdwy
12-31-84 Lowell Community Church fire
1-6-85 old Alvin Apts, 2614 Wetmore burned, one fatality, torn down soon after
1-28-85 Olympic Bank taken over by First Interstate Bank of Washington
2-8-85 fire fatalities men, 3826 Colby, Everett, 21029 67th Lynnwood
4-22-85 Weyerhaeuser announced permanent closure of Mill E (built in 1971) last Weyerhaeuser sawmill in Everett
5-2-85 storm that destroyed elm tree 2130 rucker Herald 5-2-85
5-9-85 Hurd's men's store sw cor Calif and Colby closed
5-11-85 Kasch Park dedicated
5-16-85 beginning of closing sale at Hurd's Store for Men, 2802 Colby
6-7-85 Everett at 54 degrees at noon, coldest spot in the lower 48 states
6-18-85 announcement that J.C. Penney would close downtown Everett store
6-26-85 Trident sub USS Henry M. Jackson visited Everett
7-5-85 two fires on Jetty Is.
7-27-85 new Pay 'n Save opened today at Everett Mall Plaza, sixth in county
10-13-85 Everett tour as part of Natl. Trust for Historic Preservation conference in Seattle
11-8-85 dedication of Bagshaw Field, Riverside Remembers photos identified
1-25-86 last day for J.C. Penneys store
4-9-86 building at 1720 Hewitt s.w. corn. Hewitt and Rockefeller burned
6-10-86 Montes at Colby and California announced it would close soon, Scattergoods had moved from 2609 to 2802 Colby
6-29-86 grand opening of BEST, formerly Jafco
9-27-86 Eli Creekmore Everett boy nationally known because he was abused died
10-26-86 police shakedown starting at shantytown along Snohomish River from about 38th south
12-31-86 Western Gear closed for good for Navy Bob Mayer
1-13-87 old Murphy Corner Grocery bulldozed.
1-20-87 old Getchell house in Lowell being dismantled
2-16-87 student union bldg at ECC burned - arson, firefighter Gary Parks died, solved 2021
6-6-87 groundbreaking for Kasch Park
6-14-87 closing ceremony for Perpetual Help School(open in 1925), in fall it would merge at Immaculate
6-17-87 Ken Griffey Jr.'s first professional hit, a homerun that landed at 38th and Lombard
7-17-87 grand opening of Cascade Plaza, 76th and Evergreen, stores: Mervyn's, Lipman's, That's My Baby
7-28-87 Sno Co Airport officially dedicated new runway 16L-34R, Bertrand Arcadia Paine book p 116
8-5-87 work had started on Everett Mall expansion that included food court
9-25-87 last day for Hall's Pharmacy, 2724 Colby
9-30-87 creation of what would become Housing Hope Building Hope Buerge p 27
10-26-87 fire at abandoned bark storage building at Weyerhaeuser river property
11-09-87 groundbreaking for Navy
11-15-87 Ocean Odyssey oil drilling platform left Everett after spending 4 years on waterfront
4-9-88 Grand opening for Pioneer Tails development in se Everett
5-1-88 Bakers sold the ambulance business to Shannon
5-30-88 Veterans' memorial in front of old city hall dedicated
9-7-88 Holy Cross (now Archbishop Murphy) High School opened in old Our Lady of Perpetual Help school building
9-7-88 Langus Riverside Park dedicated
10-16-88 Gary Parks Bldg at ECC dedicated
10-31-88 VOA new human service center on sw Calif and Bdwy open to public
11-19/20 88 grand opening of Washington Oakes retirement home
1-26-89 first 747-400 delivered - to Northwest Airlines Bob Mayer
3-13-89 high school and middle school students in Everett School Dist. no longer required to take showers.
3-22-89 3201 Hoyt Norman House burned, one fatality
9-28-89 Everett Theater, now triplexed, closed David Dilgard Footlights
11-17-89 Upper Ridge Rd closed north of 73rd St.
8-15-90 Everett's first Starbucks, 2615 Bdwy (maybe on 4-15?)
8-23-90 modified 747 delivered for use as Air Force One
9-5-90 Everett Theater Society officially founded
12-8-90 old ice arena 2812 Norton Bargreen using for storage (b. 1940) burned destroyed
5-14-91 2214 Bdwy fire
6-7-91 first graduating class (8) at Holy Cross (now Archbishop Murphy) High School
8-10-91 addition to Everett Public Library completed
9-05-91 ribbon cutting for Navy
10-10-91 Everett Public Library addition dedication
5-6-92 JK Gill store on Colby at Wall to close JCO log
7-26-92 last official air fair at Paine Field sponsored by Lynnwood Rotary, fairs did take place the following two summers
3-29-92 Weyerhaeuser Kraft mill closed; opened in 1953
10-17-92 grand opening of Everett city museum (not to be confused with county museum)
2-23-93 President Bill Clinton at Everett Boeing plant
8-6-93 inaugural opening of Everett Community Theater, gala grand opening a week later
9-10-93 Everett Theater reopened by Everett Theatre Society David Dilgard Footlights
11-19-93 1,000th 747 delivered
3-1-94 Providence and General hospitals merged
4-8-94 official opening of Naval Station Everett Wikipedia (pier opened 6-4-92)
6-11-94 grand reopening of Monte Cristo Hotel, open house on 6-12
6-23-94 Eagle Hardware opened on at 2505 Pacific Ave. near Fulton St. Later it became Lowes.
7-8-94 Everett Mutual Tower, 2707 Colby toppped off at 203 feet to be tallest in city Wikipedia
12-3-94 dedication of Henry M. Jackson H.S. in Mill Creek
2-9-95 Morrie Olson sold Olson's Food Stores to Max Food stores
4-18-95 film Assassins being filmed at Evergreen Cemetery released in October
6-21-95 demo began on administration bldg (an abomination) in front of main bldg at EHS; it was hated by all, or was it 6-2-95
7-18-95 announcement that Kimberly Clark would buy Scott Paper
9-30-95 Everett High School rededicated
1-8-97 USS Abraham Lincoln first arrived (had been in Bremerton) left in 2010
4-8-97 Coastal Community Bank opened on Colby about now
9-30-97 Removal of Mukilteo Tank Farm Bertrand Arcadia book p69
10-28-97 groundbreaking for Westview Bldg, Lombardi's Cucina
5-26-98 Carter Drug, 2227 Bdwy closed, had been at this location since 1955, opened in 1947 farther north on block but check
4-8-99 last day for Broadway Hardware 1921 Bdwy account by Steve and Rhonda Griffin
11-1-99 Half Price Books opened on Everett Mall Way Bertrand Modern Everett
12-31-99 last Herfy's (on Evergreen Way) closed Herald 12-30-99
2-28-01 Nisqually Earthquake, centered farther south but shook Everett
4-30-01 workers safety monument dedicated on courthouse west lawn
5-21-01 Victor David convicted of second degree assault for keeping his wife in a boat near Priest Point
5-26-01 4007 Wetmore burned
9-11-01 two Everett-built 767s destroyed in terrorist attack
11-14-01 Pacific Ave. overpass opened
1-17-02 Lowell Snohomish River Road opened after being closed for six years
1-30-02 new Safeway at 41st & Rucker opened, other store on site closed yesterday, Larry O'Donnell was the last customer in the old store and the first in the new
1-31-02 first meeting of what would become Historic Everett, at home of Loretta Balduan 2202 Rucker
2-4-02 dedication of new Everett Station on Smith
2-27-02 incorporation of Historic Everett
4-02-02 Scottish Rite Temple NE Oakes & Wall destroyed today as part of clearing for new hockey rink that destroyed all on this block and that to the east
5-02 new maternity wing opened at Providence Everett Medical Center on Mothers Day Pacific campus
8-27-02 Hoyt between 19th & 26th returned to two-way street
9-07-02 new fire station under construction at Madison and Bev. Blvd replacing old already destroyed
1-31-03 Wetmore between 26th and 37th returned to two-way street. Section between 19th and 26th was last fall about when those blocks on Hoyt were.
1-31-03 last day for Window Restaurant on 1800 Broadway west side, Town House on east side of 2200 Broadway closed earlier this month
3-20-03 Hoyt between 26th and 32nd returned to two way today. Between 19th and 26th had been earlier this year. Between 32nd and 37th some time ago.
3-25-03 California returned to two way between Rockefeller and Rucker
4-9-03 Iraqi Americans celebrated in the street - 2900 Colby - with the fall of of Saddam Hussein's regime
4-16-03 Everett Ave. overpass over r.r. at west end opened (also referred to as Calif. St. overpass!)
5-6-03 Lincoln arrived back in Everett after Iraq war, parade the following Sat.
5-9-03 132nd St. Extension to Hwy 9 opened today
9-8-03 Assistance League in new building about 5100 Evergreen Wy
9-16-03 2 gantries offloaded on port today
9-27-03 new Everett (ice) Arena opened to public
10-16-03 Paine air-traffic control tower opened (No. 3) official dedication on 10-31 Bertrand Arcadia Paine book p 121
1-26-04 coffee shop opened in public library
8-27-04 John Kerry at Everett Events Center
10-27-04 Children's Museum Imagine opened southeast corner of Hoyt and Wall
12-5-04 Grand Opening of Lamoureux Bldg, sw corner 19th & Wetmore
1-23-05 Plasma center building at sw cor Calif. and Hoyt 2801 Hoyt burned
6-3-05 new office bldg and new jail bldg on county campus dedicated
8-20-05 tearing down Safeway-Eagles bldg on 3700 Bdwy, built 1950-51
9-4-05 trial liquor sales on Sunday
11-12-05 3030 Grand/1221 Pacific destroyed today
11-30-05 hotel at 3105 Pine reopened as Holiday Inn, formerly Everett Pacific, Ramada, Howard Johnsons
12-17-05 Future of Flight opened at Paine Field, or was it 12-16?
4-19-06 China President Hu in Everett and vicinity
5-17-06 Everett's first Wal-Mart opened at 11400 Evergreen Way, 3rd in county, to be 6
6-27-06 right hand exit opened northbound at Exit 192 Broadway
6-30-06 Everett at 101,100 pop.
6-30-06 Bank of Everett opened at 2722 Colby
8-8-06 Collins Casket building placed on Natl. Register
9-1-06 Cogswell College closed
10-16-06 clear cutting of I-5 median north of 112th began today
10-17-06 dedication of clock at ECC modeled after one once at Citizens Bank, 2927 Colby, taken down by Peoples Natl Bank 11-29-47
12-1-06 Silver Lake QFC last day
1-1-07 Whitehorse Hall ECC opened
1-10-07 last day for Crown Image 3231 Bdwy, but it stayed open and then moved next door before closing for good in 2010
1-21-07 grand opening of new community center bldg, First Baptist, 3100 Wetmore
2-19-07 new 41st St. bridge over I-5 opened
3-15-07 former Rep. Jack Metcalf died at 79
5-4-07 Puget Sound Christian to close next week, 57-year-old college from downtown from MLTerrace three years ago
5-8-07 traffic signal began operation at 20th (E. Hewitt) and 79th (Fairview)
6-18-07 Providence Regional Cancer Partnership at 1717 13th opened ?
6-18-07 new liquor store at 2027 Bdwy opened
7-8-07 first Boeing 787 Dreamliner rolled off the line
7-26-07 new northbound lane on I-5 on rt. side from 41st to Hwy 2
8-7-07 Pilchuck Hall at ECC torn down, built 1958, half of Glacier Hall to go next
9-7-07 Sen. Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson American Legion Post 6 grand opening, 1212 CA
9-19-07 Topper Motel being razed
9-22-07 re-dedication of Kiwanis Park, 36th & Rockefeller, 4th incarnation in my memory JCO'D
10-4-07 boat Heron being dismantled near old Kraft Mill site, osprey nest on mast moved
11-15-07 announcement that Everett Stn was top choice for UW north branch campus
1-21-08 demolition begun on Elks Building
3-31-08 demolition to begin this week on the waterfront net sheds
5-21-08 first 777 Freighter unveiled
6-25-08 2721 Wetmore destroyed by fire
9-13-08 Jimmy Z, 1712 Hewitt, closed after 25 years
10-11-08 Trinity Lutheran College dedicated (in old Rumbaugh Bon Marche building) closed 2006
2-23-09 last game in EJC gym recently - get exact date, building razed later in year
11-2-09 State Rte. 529 between Everett and Marysville named Yellow Ribbon Highway, also have seen 11-5 as the date
11-30-09 Community Transit Swift Buses started between Everett Station and Aurora Village
12-15-09 787 Dreamliner made first flight from Paine Field, Bertram Arcadia Paine book p95
1-29-10 last performance of Everett Symphony, it came back with different organizaiton
2-8-10 747-8 first flight, Everett
6-15-10 Port commissioners voted unanimously to destroy the Collins Bldg., destruction began two days later
6-28-10 demolition of Redmen Hall (1958), 1611 California St., began this week
9-1-10 Theodore Ohms shot at officers and fled scene on I-5, caught behind 7103 Olympic Dr.
9-7-10 aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln left Everett came in 1997
9-7-10 area around Everpark garage denuded by cutting down 9 trees on hoyt and 2 on california
10-16-10 Paine Field's west entrance named Bernie Webber Dr., Bertrand Arcadia Paine book p 127
12-23-10 announcement Everett Police Chief Jim Scharf retiring, successor Kathy (Solie) Atwood first woman
2-18-11 Claremont post office apparently closed
4-30-11 grand opening of Schack Art Center, 2921 Hoyt
5-12-11 Gov. Gregoire signed bill bringing WSU to ECC campus
6-14-11 grand opening of new Providence Regional Center, 1700 13th St.
6-23-11 unveiling of Fisherman's Tribute on waterfront
7-8-11 Covingtons opened Port Gardner Bay Winery 2802 Rockefeller Bertrand Modern Evertt
8-12-11 first 747-8 delivered
12-7-11 last departure of USS Lincoln
2-17-12 President Obama spoke in Everett at Boeing plant see 2-17-13 which is it
3-9-12 USS Nimitz arrived at new home Everett
4-15-12 last day for Kimberly Clark mill,
5-30-12 dedication and unveiling of statue of Sen. Henry M. Scoop Jackson at Grand Ave. Park across from his home (tomorrow centennial of his birth)
8-12-12 old (1950s) section of View Ridge School torn down now, 1982 addition torn down last year, new building ready for start of school this fall.
11-8-12 one fatality fire destroyed McCrossen Bldg
12-19-12 city council voted to rename old city hall for former mayor Bill Moore
1-12-13 old digester bldg at K-Clark-Scott-Soundview destroyed today during demolition of entire mill
2-17-13 Pres Obama spoke at Boeing plant see 2-17-12 which is it
4-23-13 dedication of new View Ridge Elementary School building
4-29-13 first Everett Herald printed at Paine Field see 9-29-13 which is it?
8-29-13 Runway 16L-34R clebrated reopening
9-10-13 Port of Everett accepted transfer of Tank Farm from USAF Bertrand Arcadia book p 69
9-29-13 first Heralds printed at Paine Field Bertrand Modern Everett see 4-29-13 which is it?
10-1-13 Air Guard at Paine Field officially decommissioned, Bertrand Arcadia Paine book p 83
10-18-13 U.S. Air Force tank farm on Mukilteo waterfront was officially taken over by Port of Everett.
10-31-13 Everett-based frigate USS Ford decommissioned
11-19-13 Everett School district in their new headquarters building at 3900 Bdwy
12-15-13 one fatality fire in Hodges Bldg
1-12-14 first service of Mars Hill church in old Armory building
1-28-14 Air Force announced it would use Everett-built 747-8 for Air Force One
3-30-14 last day Herald in building at 2700 Grand, moved to 1800 41st
6-19-14 dedication of new school district ad center on Bdwy near 41st
7-1-14 WSU took control of Univesity Center at ECC today
7-30-14 Hampton Inn opened at 2931 W Marine View Dr.
9-12-14 first license marijuana retailer in Everett ready to open soon at 1824 Broadway. Tribune 9-10-14 p1
9-13-14 City Hall rededicated as William E. Moore Historic City Hall
12-16-14 1,500th 747 delivered
1-23-15 scheduled decommisioning of USS Rodney M. Davis at Naval Station
1-23-15 USS Rodney M Davis dcommissioned in formal ceremony here (27 years old), last frigate in fleet
3-4-15 Haggen's opened in old Super Safeway Store at 75th and Evergreen (old Everett Motor Movie site), this was brief and it became Safeway again
3-25-15 Rodney Davis towed to Bremerton to be sold to a foreign navy
12-8-15 2800 Broadway reopened today with completion of new bridge over the railroad tracks
12-14-15 Everett Motel, 1115 Broadway had been torn down, cleaning debris now
12-31-15 fatality fire 2 W. Casino Rd.
1-21-16 Boeing announced another 747 production rate cut, starting Sept. 6 planes a year CHECK THIs-
1-26-16 Fosket bldg NE cor. 12th and Bdwy now demolished, tavern two doors north went a litte before, but after Everett Motel
3-2-16 first 727 ever built made final trip from Everett to Seattle
7-13-16 Boeing celebrated centennial
7-14-16 Fortive, a Fortune 500 co., opened at 6920 Seaway Blvd.
7-15-16 Weyerhaeuser Bldg. moved to its fourth location
10-5-16 Smith St. Mill or Buse mill off 36th east of Smith being dismantled
10-28-16 Courtyard by Marriot hotel at Colby and Wall opened
12-13-16 Dutch Bros. Coffee opened at 2202 Broadway
12-14-16 Popeye's restaurant opened 6502 Evergreen Way (site of old Grove Tavern) building gone now
2-28-17 last day for China Doll restaurant 3001 Broadway It reopened under a new name
8-15-17 open house neW building WSU N Puget Sound at Everett, University Center, 915 Broadway, classes to start later in month
8-19-17 open house at new Funko headquarters 2802 Wetmore
9-25-17 2931 Broadway destroyed by fire
2-6-18 soft official first day at Grand Marketplace? 2900 Grand, closed Sept. 14 same year
3-1-18 ribbon cutting grand opening of Grand Marketplace, closed not long after
4-30-18 demolition began on old Everett School District office building, 4700 Colby, portables first
6-9-18 groundbreaking for new YMCA, 4730 Colby where school district office was
9-22-18 Judd and Black in old Bast and Russell buildings, northeast corner Hewitt and Maple, destroyed by fire.
1-20-19 fire Harvey's Pub, 3615 Broadway later razed, site of first Buzz-Inn
1-29-19 Everett an answer on Jeopardy aired tonight
2-11-19 first modern era scheduled flight from Paine Field, Everett to Las Vegas on Alaska, didn't happen
2-28-19 H&L Sports sold to BSN Sports Bertrand Modern Everett
3-4-19 first flight from Paine Field, 10:00 a.m. Alaska Airlines 2878 to Portland or was it 3-6?
4-18-19 open house at new Cocoon House 3530 Colby, first tenants moved in next day
7-13-19 Judd&Black bldgs (Bast and one east) all but finished being torn down after fire Herald 7-13-19
9-4-19 students in new building at North Middle, only part of 1981 bldg saved gym, Herald 9-6-19
9-5-19 Sears at Everett Mall to close by end of year, opened 1969, Herald article on this date
9-13-19 Index Hall at ECC gone down to foundation, debris there
9-21-19 decommissioning of old YMCA at California and Rockefeller and march to new Y about 47th and Colby, old still open and new not yet open
9-25-19 Grand Park bridge at 16th swung into place today, to open in 2020
9-30-19 single-use plastic ban went into effect here today
10-2-19 formal opening of Indigo Hotel 1028 13th St., soft opening earlier
11-16-19 last day for YMCA at California and Rockefeller
11-23-19 ribbon cutting for new Colby YMCA
12-1-19 new YMCA on south Colby to open what?
12-6-19 south Everett library reopned today after closing 12-24-18 Herald 12-11-19
1-20-20 first person in U.S. diagonosed with coronavirus admitted to Everett's Regional Medical Center Herald 2-7-20
1-25-20 first flight of Boeing 777X, Herald 1-26-20
3-3-20 100th St SW had been renamed Hank Robinett Way since he supported Paine Field airport, Herald 3-3-20
6-16-20 Mike Papadimitriou's last day at his People's Shoe Repair, 2827 Wetmore Herald 6-16-20
7-16-20 spectacular fire some of Waterfront Place Apts under construction burned to ground, burned 1601 Rucker
8-26-20 Grand Park pedestrian overpass to waterfront opened today
10-1-20 Boeing made official today rumors about closing 787 line in Everett in 2021
3-23-21 Historic Fire station 2 2801 Oakes became EFD headquarters My Everett News on this date
3-25-21 story broke about solving the 1987 Everett Community College fire in 1987
4-7-21 Westwood Columbia first cargo ship unloaded at new Port South Terminal
4-26-21 work started on new Emma Yule Park 4800 block Rucker, city site
5-15-21 135-unit north bldg Waterplace to open Herald 5-5-21
7-15-21 groundbreaking ceremony for $36M Norton Terminal
1-1-22 letter from Archbishop authorizing Our Lady of Hope for combined parishes of IC and OLPH
2-27-22 last meal at Emory's restaurant on Silver Lake (opened 1994) Herald 2-25-22
3-3-22 Anthony's opened where Emory's on Silver Lake was Herald 2-25-22
3-19-22 last day for Judy Matheson's store 2615 Colby, opened 1991 Herald
4-3-22 last day for Skate Deck on Bothell-Everett Hwy 19th Ave. opened 1996 Herald
9-29-22 official ribbon cutting of new Emma Yule Park
11-28-22 Bothne house on Silver Lake destroyed recently
12-1-22 Port christened new cargo South Terminal 2600 Federal, pulp mill site
12-6-22 last 747 rolled out
12-25-22 last Sunday Herald
12-26-22 last Monday Herald
12-31-22 last delivered Herald
12-31-22 last day for Ken's Camera (opened in Lynnwood in 1971)
1-3-23 first mailed Herald
3-14-23 Pisces Pies grand opening 1502 Rucker
7-12-23 grand opening of The Muse in the restored Weyerhaeuser Bldg
8-19-23 fire 1011 Hewitt
8-30-23 ribbon cutting for Fisherman Jack's on waterfront Herald 9-1-2023
9-18-23 cake cutting opening ceremony South Fork Baking Co. on Everett waterfront
5-8-24 The Everett Clinic (founded 1924) now Optum Care Washington, email
5-10-24 Northern Lights visible in Everett
5-23-24 ribbon cutting for Maritime Inst. 1130 W. Marine Dr. Herald 5-27-248?
8-1-24 Andrea Brown's last "What's Up With That?" column in Herald
8-14-24 new carpool lanes (fourth lane) on I-5 between Everett and Marysville from Marine View to Hwy 529 bridge
8-23-24 Butch the Cougar sculpture on college campus dedicated
8-30-24 Rail Link opened to Lynnwood with stops in Shoreline and MLTerrace
Snohomish County
1-22-1855 Tulalip reservation established Sheriff Legacy Book
7-5-61 first post office in county established at Mukilteo
1-16-1883 steamer Josephine explosion in Mukilteo killed 8 or 9 Sheriff Legacy Book
7-4-89 Monte Cristo named by Joseph Pearsall
11-11-1889 Persall struck gold in Monte Cristo on same day WA became state Sheriff Legacy Book
1-26-90 Snohomish incorporated as third class city Sheriff Legacy Book
3-19-90 Monroe post office established
3-22-90 Wallace platted - name changed to Startup in 1901
8-14-90 Edmonds incorporated Sheriff Legacy Book.
6-23-91 Hartford townsite filed
8-26-91 Silverton christened as a town
12-8-91 Index post office established
6-2-92 Stanwood big fire
11-18-92 first destructive flood washed out M.C. R.R., Woodhouse, Monte Cristo
2-27-93 Monte Cristo town plat filed, Woodhouse Monte Cristo
3-2-93 Monte Cristo townsite filed for record
7-22-93 Index big fire
6-28-94 new Monte Cristo jail destroyed and thrown into river
11-19-97 Monte Cristo R.R. wiped out by massive floods in Robe Canyon and elsewhere, Woodhouse Monte Cristo
12-11-97 Frederick Gates announced Monte Cristo R.R. would not be rebuilt (It was), Woodhouse Monte Cristo
8-22-02 Silvana big fire
9-16-02 Monte Cristo R.R. sold to Northern Pacific, Woodhouse Monte Cristo
5-25-03 Arlington incorporated
12-3-03 Monte Cristo mines closed by ASARCO, Woodhouse Monte Cristo
4-1-04 Meadowdale named by Robert Maltby
8-6-04 Meadowdale post office established, discontinued 4-30-39
6-28-05 Sultan incorporated officially, voting was on 6-10, filing at county level on 6-19, registered on this date
8-11-05 Wilmans Bros returned to Monte after absence and purchased Guggenheim mines, Woodhouse, Monte Cristo
3-1-06 light started operating in new Mukilteo lighthouse
2-8-08 Lake Stevens platted
10-31-08 last schedule train for several years left for Monte, Woodhouse Monte Cristo
4-9-09 Lakewood (English) post office established
5-30-10 great fire of Snohomish
7-30-10 Seattle Heights post office established
5-7-11 Fred Wiseman made first powered flight in county in Snohomish Sheriff Legacy book
9-11-11 Monroe High School opened
7-21-13 first scheduled train since 1908 reached Monte, Woodhouse Monte Cristo
1-22-14 Tulalip dedicated new longhouse Sheriff Legacy Book
4-9-14 work on Edgecomb cut-off of NP to put Everett on coast line to start soon
5-11-15 Rucker Bros obtained lease for operation of railroad and established the Harton Eastern R.R. Co., Woodhouse Monte Cristo
3-21-16 Lake Stevens post office established
6-17-16 Ruckers reinstated pleasure car excursions on Hartford Eastern R.R., Woodhouse Monte Cristo
10-19-16 Boston American Co. announced locating of O&B ledge at depth of 1,500 below surface outcrop, Woodhouse Monte Cristo
7-25-19 Machias fire destroyed business district
7-2-21 Big Four Inn opened by Ruckers, Woodhouse Monte Cristo burned 1949
10-19-21 the "house" atop Mt. Pilchcuk now completed Herald this date
3-8-22 body of Herbert U. Thomas caretaker at Big Four Inn hauled 25 miles on sled, believed slid to death from roof five days earlier, Everett News
9-21-22 US Forest Service last week completed erection of lookout atop Mt. Pilchuck Herald article on this date
4-24-23 Pilchuck Julia died, about 83 years old Herald article on this date
4-26-23 ? Cascade Hotel in Granite Falls burned Herald article 12-21-19
5-1-23 Edmonds Kingston ferry to begin
11-18-23 Birmingham name changed to Warm Beach
12-22-23 new power lines in Silver Lake area and from Marysville to Edgecomb H 12-24-23 p5
12-29-24 new Snohomish H.S. gym completed Herald 1-1-24 P. 12
1-26-25 proposed work on ndw county farm structure to replace frame structure, Monroe
10-1-25 Ruckers bought Hartford Eastern right-of-way from Northern Pacific, Woodhouse Monte Cristo
5-30-26 Memorial Day Al Faussett rode spruce log over Sunset Falls
9-6-26 Labor Day Al Faussett rode a log over Eagle Falls
10-30-26 McKenzie's Bungalow Inn (No. 2) opened somewhere in Edmonds on the New Everett Highway (burned 1933) Lost Roadhouses of Seattle
3-2-27 Sultan Town Marshal Percy Brewster fatally shot by man planning to rob bank Sheriff Legacy Book
10-25-27 Hwy 99 completed near 164th
12-2-27 Bicycle Tree near Snohomish toppled
3-17-28 Mukilteo School burned, built 1893 Frederick Sexton design
9-14-28 new Rosehill School in Mukilteo dedicated, closed 1976, destroyed 2011
6-1-29 opening day for Hillcrest Course, later Cedarcrest
6-15-29 opening day for Edgewater golf course between Everett and Marysville where Buse Mill is in 2018
9-12-31 paved road from Alderwood Manor to Highway 99 recently completed
12-9-31 wave destroyed homes on Mission Beach
4-12-33 scheduled service on Hartford Eastern discontinued, Woodhouse Monte Cristo
6-15-34 Alderwood Water District groundbreaking at s.w. corner of 13th (Meadow Rd.) & 164th (Martha Lake Rd.)
7-17-34 bridge opened over S. Fork Stilly east of Granite Falls
5-20-35 Oasis Roadhouse at SE corner 212th and Hwy 99 destroyed by fire. Had opened 1929 Lost Roadhouses of Seattle
3-12-36 Rex's Place grand opening (northeast corner at Smokey Point)
3-27-36 work started this week removing more than 40 mi. of rail between Hartford and Monte Cristo
6-4-36 fire destroyed old Clough Lumber Mill in Stanwood
8-19-36 new Verlot bridge dedicated, program following at Canyon Cr. Lodge
7-30-37 Barker-Knapp Tie Mill in Hartford destroyed by fire
12-30-37 train derailed by mudslide near Monroe
2-10-38 first Canyon Creek Lodge burned to ground, rebuilt
4-30-39 Meadowdale post office discontinued, established 8-6-04
5-27-39 Norwegian crown prince and princess rode through cedar stump in its new (third) location alongside then-new Hwy 99
8-11-39 Monroe Jr. High finished
8-31-40 Arlington's municipal airport became a Navy airport
7-25-41 small plane had made a forced landing at Tulalip
10-21-41 Marysville Bank had moved from 2nd and State to new building at 4th and State
11-21-41 Monroe Poor Farm became hospital about this time Herald on this date
12-1-41 Barlow Darrington part of Mt. Loop Hwy about finished
6-26-43 US Naval Aux air Stn Arlington dedicated
7-22-43 Stanwood Shipyard launched first ocean-going barge
1-27-44 East Stanwood Lincoln High strike
3-23-44 Monroe flax mill destroyed by fire, the Carnation condensory
9-26-45 Darrington became an incorporated town
1-24-46 Marysville Theater to be remodeled
1-28-46 Lynnwood selected as name of community Herald article 1-30-46
4-18-46 Russian tanker leaking oil of Kayak Point
4-5-46 Snohomish airfield nearing completion
11-2-46 Smokey Point opened in building formerly housing Rex's Place (see 10 years earlier)
3-14-47 fire destroyed Russell Haggard's gas stn on ne cor Alderwood-Edmonds Rd and Hwy 99, reportedly first bldg in Lynnwood
4-26-47 Hank Gaul's Shop for Men opened at First and Cedar, Snohomish
4-27-47 Arlington Airfield rededicated to peace time
5-8-47 Mukilteo incorporated
2-18-48 Great Northern train over seawall south of Mukilteo pushed into Puget Sound Herald front page
6-1-48 Sno-King Drive In movie opened.
6-16-48 Lynnwood post office established
4-1-49 county farm, county hosp became count's first Grade A NursingHome in addition to hosp, Monroe
9-7-49 Big Four Inn burned, opened 1921
5-01-51 Union Oil Refinery in Edmonds about to open
5-02-51 highway between Monroe and Sultan about finished
6-1-51 last original mill in Edmonds closed
9-1-51 Cedar Valley Grange bldg moved to another location over summer
8-08-52 first open house at Horizon Heights
9-12-52 Highway 1-A opened between Snohomish and Vernon Road 5.3 miles
5-23-53 gr opening of Horizon Hts. so of Mukilteo
8-20-53 riot at Monroe Reformatory, set buildings ablaze, one killed
9-4-53 Martha Lake and Mountlake Terrace schools to open this fall
10-1-53 by now route out of Marysville to Tulalip was changed from 8th to 4th
10-31-53 Warm Beach Post Office, located in Morrison General Store, closed
11-23-54 incorporation vote okayed for MLTerrace
7-23-54 Marysville B&M under construction
10-28-54 new Red Bridge up, new bridge at Verlot still under construction
10-30-54 east lanes of Marysville bypass opened
11-23-54 vote for MLTerrace incorporation
12-6-54 other 2 lanes of Marysville bypass opened.
12-5-54 W.A. Irwin, who named Alderwood Manor, died at 90
1-19-55 nearing completion the Snohomish turn off that bypassed Cavaleros Corner at east end of trestle
8-27-55 Granite Falls fishway dedicated
1-5-56 serious road slide at Woodway
3-2-56 2 F-89 fighters crashed near Darrington killing 4, discovered 6-21-56
8-9-56 new bridge over Pilchuck River on Robe Menzel Road, or Menzel Lake Rd?
8-24-56 turnoff to Snohomish at east end of trestle eliminating Cavaleros Corner opened this week.
1-7-57 Edmonds new Great Northern passenger station opened
1-27-57 open house for new St. Pius School in MLTerrace
2-20-57 Edmonds' Brookside Inn destroyed by fire
5-15-57 grand opening of The Sea Horse restaurant in Mukilteo
5-30-57 shaft to Pilchuck Julia, GAR cem., Snohomish, dedicated
6-11-57 new pool nearing completion at Camp Sevenich
7-10-57 Mukilteo boat launch officially opened after being now for about a month
9-25-57 Lee Crary, 8, of Edmonds escaped from his kidnapper George Edward Collins, north of Lake Stevens.
1-26-58 Arlington hospital dedicated
2-18-58 Woodway incorporated
2-25-58 dedication of new Edmonds High School (at Holmes Corner)
4-16-58 E. Sunnyside School torched by fire departments
8-19-58 9 escapees from Monroe Reformatory Sheriff Legacy Book
10-20-58 2 lanes of Hwy 99 from Stimsons Crossing to Stillaguamish R. opened today
10-22-58 Lakewood Elem. School had been completed
11-1-58 dedication of new Marysville post office
11-3-58 Hwy 1-A (now 9) opened from Lake Stevens to Getchell Road.
11-8-58 new Purdy and Dawson funeral home in Snohomish
12-23-58 11 mi. of 4 lane hwy opened from Little Pilchuck Hill to Conway, could go from Columbia R. to Burlington on 4 lanes on Hwy 99
1-17-59 new Thomle Bridge over Stillaguamish recently completed
4-14-59 Lynnwood incorporated
5-13-59 night fire at Reinell Boatworks in Marysville
5-24-59 El Rancho (formerly Ranch and Doc Hamiltons) road house at 220th and Hwy 99 destroyed by fire,
7-7-59 30 hostages held at knifepoint at Monroe Reformatory, rescued
10-19-59 Boeing 707 crashed near Oso 4 perish Braniff
10-29-59 Hwy 1-A between Lake Stevens and Arlington officially opened today
10-31-59 Snoline YMCA on 212th dedicated
11-12-59 Beverly Elementary dedicated
12-31-59 announcement of new shopping center in Lake Stevens (Frontier Village)
6-15-60 Frontier Village B&M opened, post office there established
6-17-60 Warm Beach Camp and Conference Cetner officially opened.
7-12-60 fire downtown Monroe
7-14-60 Viking Planing Mill on Mukilteo Speedway destroyed by fire.
7-23-60 announcement of new stop light to be installed at 220th and Hwy 99
9-20-60 new weigh station opened on west side of Hwy 99 north of Marysville
10-28-60 fire dept. burned old 3-story Leland Hotel in Darrington
12-14-60 Hazel Oelrich, Sultan, daughter of banker escaped from kidnapper
12-21-60 new part of Hwy 1-A opened this week between Bicycle Tree corner and new Snohomish River bridge
1-21-61 Garland Hot Sprs. Lodge burned
8-26-61 Green Valley Airfield on Burn Rd. dedicated
9-5-61 Spruce, Maplewood and Meadowdale Jr. in Edmonds School District opened
9-29-61 Hwy 1-A from Hunter Rd. to Division St. Arlington dedicated, might double check
12-19-61 Herald noted that 134 foot smoke stack at Monroe Reformatory dynamited
12-20-61 Meadowdale Jr. High dedicated
4-21-62 two in MLTerrace on U.S. Air Force crash for opening of Century 21 World's Fair in Seattle
5-22-62 grand opening of restaurant section of Taylor's Ferry Lunch, Mukilteo
6-4-62 first concert of Cascade Symphony founded by Robt. Anderson in April 1962, passed on 5-11-12 at 94
6-8-62 Jennings family gave land to Marysville for park
8-9-62 completed on Arlington-Darrington Hwy: Hazel by-pass, Fortson to White Horse
11-5-62 dedication of Lake Stevens Jr. High
10-12-62 planned dedication for Wayside Chapel between Monroe and Sultan
11-8-62 dedication of Seaview Hts. Elem., Edmonds
11-8-62 ribbon cutting of new seciton 1-Y east from Stanwood
11-15-62 grand opening of Lynn Village Furniture, 19215 Hwy 99
11-16-62 Willard Wyatt Bridge over Sky at Sultan dedicated
11-17-62 Edmonds Civic Center dedicated
11-29-62 downtown Alderwood Manor became part of Lynnwood
2-28-63 grand opening of new Safeway, 4th and State, Marysville
3-1-63 Great Northern Railway company greenhouse in Monroe was closed today after 37 years
3-6-63 county park and recreation dept. had been created.
3-11-63 Cedarcrest clubhouse destroyed by fire
4-16-63 North Lynnwood branch post office, Hwy 99 and 176th
5-22-63 grand opening of Lynn Theatre, Lynnwood
7-5-63 Marysville Shake Co. burned
9-15-63 Cheetah Plastic Co. plant on Marshall Rod. three miles north of Marysville fire
9-23-63 opening date for new Moose Lodge, Marysville
9-30-63 Lynnwood Elementary opened
10-19-63 dedication of new Peterson Bridge over Stillaguamish and Larson Bridge on Happy Hollow Road
11-21-63 Madrona Jr. High dedicated
12-9-63 Lynnwood Elementary formally dedicated
1-31-64 Alderwood Manor Post Office closed as an independent and opened next day as a Lynnwood branch.
6-3-64 direct nation-wide dialing now available to West Coast Telephone Co. Halls Lake exchange
8-22-64 grand opening of King Charley's drive-in, Hwy 1-A and John Jump Rd.
8-29-64 a contract had been signed between Seattle garbage co. and Tulalip tribes to use tidelands southwest of Marysville for a sanitary fill (Herald front page)
8-29-64 grand opening of Wayne's Village Inn, Snohomish
9-63-64 Scott Forestry Trail off Getchell Road dedicated
9-16-64 work going on six miles of Arlington Darrington highway
9-20-64 dedication of Holy Rosary School, Edmonds
11-21-64 grand opening of Town and Country Dodge 20600 Highway 99
11-22-64 Lake Stickney School dedicated.
2-02-65 Brier incorporated
2-10-65 Monroe-Bothell cutoff opened near this time
2-11-65 Monroe-Woodinville cutoff opened, same as above?
3-21-65 dedication of new First Assembly of God bldg, Marysville
4-15-65 traffic signal at Hwy 99 and 176th (this might've been 1966)
5-4-65 Marsyville School Board had decided to demolish 1931 Lincoln School building damaged in earthquake
9-25-65 dedication of Island Crossing overpass and diamond approaches to freeway
1-8-66 new Lynnwood Elks dedicated
6-20-66 3-alarm fire had detoryed Bell Sign co., 20629 Hwy 99, Lynnwood
6-24-66 new Chappell Bridge now open on Jordan Rd. just north of Granite Falls.
10-23-66 deer hunter discovered wreckage of Paine Field P-39 Aircobra on Green Mt. near Granite Falls, plane crashed 1942/43
11-4-67 Oak Hts. Elem opened this week, after double shifting with Martha Lake Elem. Herald article
3-18-68 Canyon Creek Lodge burned
5-9-68 Oak Heights Elem. dedicated, had opened for students previous fall after double shifting with Martha Lake
8-26-68 groundbreaking for Martha Lake Community Clubhouse
8-31-68 3 day Sky River Rock Festival near Sultan
12-4-68 Lynnwood Fred Meyer opened
2-2-69 Darrington's Pioneer Hotel burned
6-6-69 Great Northern crash in Marysville killed two and destroyed depot
8-5-69 I 405 opened from Swamp Cr to Woodinville to two-way traffic on the northbound lanes, under construction since Apirl 1967
9-9-69 announcement that cedar stump would move to rest area
10-17-69 dedication of new highway to Stanwood
10-18-69 Mays Pond opened
12-11-69 grand opening of Lakeside Gardens, 13515 Manor Way on Lake Stickney
1-7-70 Losvar's Mukilteo Boathouse to close.
1-14-70 Taylor's Landing in Mukilteo had undergone a major remodel
1-31-70 21 Oaks development to open this weekend
7-27-70 Totem Beach resort, in business since 1941, was closing down.
1-26-71 Sunnycrest School dedicated about this time
3-30-71 Mission Beach fire claimed four summer homes
4-21-71 old Losvar boathouse had been destroyed. New Apts to be built on site this summer.
6-5-71 Bicycle tree (across from original Bicycle tree) pretty much destroyed by arson
8-21-71 final flag ceremonies held at Camp Sevenich
11-13-71 first Losvar apartments ready for inspection
12-3-71 new Marysville post office opened
12-30-71 Clinkerdagger, Bickerstaff and Pett's Publick House was now open on 244th
1-6-72 Bickford Motors grand openings at new location
1-23-72 new Stanwood High School dedicated
2-11-72 fire John Patric's Snohomish home, ne cor 3rd and D Lisa Labovich HistoryLink
3-13-72 fire in East Everett Community Church, formerly East Everett School
5-26-72 exit 202 sign added to freeway at 116th st. apparently first on sign for this new numbering system
5-29-72 rest areas north of Smokey Point now in use
6-5-72 new bridge over Deer Creek at Oso opened, next day they began dismantling old
6-24-72 grand opening of new Granite Falls library
7-1-72 Lake Connor Park to open where Camp Sevenich was, Herald 6-17-72
10-1-72 Cascade Valley Medical Center attached Cascade Valley Hosp., 326 S. Stillaguamish, Arlington, opened doors today
10-11-72 Lynnwood post office moved to new one at 6817 208th from 19725 Scriber Lake Road
3-18-76 old Jacob Erickson house on 9th in Edmonds about to be destroyed
5-30-76 Floral Hills had new bldg ready, old had burned
4-07-77 about this time Goldbar became Gold Bar
12-15-78 liquor sales began at Tulalip Smoke Shop
1-7-79 Jack O'Donnell and Mike Bolton skated across frozen Lake Goodwin Jack's log
6-7-79 announcement of new Lake 22 trailhead
6-8-79 Thrasher's Corner about get a stoplight
6-12-79 old Darigold building just south of Snohomish burned
8-25-79 Lynn O'Beirn died, husband Karl M. named Lynnwood after her, born 11-17-93
9-17-79 announcement that Mt. Pilchuck ski area had ceased operations.
10-4-79 Alderwood Mall opened
3-23-80 old truss bridge closed between Silvana and Stanwood, being replace by new bridge
9-3-80 riot at Monroe Reformatory
12-25-80 storms lead to flooding in Index, closed road to Monte Cristo, wiped out a lane just west of Camp Silverton, wiped out some of road west of Boardman Creek bridge
3-18-81 recent filming of "Bustin' Loose" in Snohomish
10-6-81 24 BN cars derailed north of Marysville
11-16-81 Dawson City mall opened on Hwy 99, Edmonds
4-14-82 Campbell Clearview murders
6-5-82 dedication of Picnic Pt. pedestrian overpass
6-7-82 fire destroyed Country Gentleman restaurant on Lake Stickney
9-22-82? dedication of first museum in Monroe
11-1-92 last night at the Thunderbird Drive-In in Marysville
11-4-82 Hwy 525 between Alderwood Mall and Hwy 99 soon to open
11-26-82 Chas Rodman Campbell convicted of murder
11-26-82 grand opening Mitchell's Granite Falls Phcy
1-3-83 Lakewood High School opened
5-25-83 Halls Lake name dropped on south county phone book after 20 years
6-13-83 first letters and numbers called at new Tulalip Bingo parlor
8-21-83 Lockheed L-18 Learstar carrying 26 people crashed near Silvana
9-18-83 Avenue D Bridge, Snohomish, demolition expected to begin in a few days.
10-23-83 Snohomish Hwy 2 bypass opened today or yesterday
11-13-83 23 buildings being built as Sauk-Suiattles returned to their native home on the Sauk Prairie
11-23-83 two women killed in Marysville at gas stn when gasoline caught fire,their husbands died later. I don't think this date is right - I think it was earlier
9-13-84 new Avenue D bridge opened in Snohomish
9-14-84 big fire at the cedar stump at the rest area north of Smokey Pt.
11-20-85 fire gutted Bayliner boat plant in Arlington
5-24-86 Hat Slough bridge removed (this may have been other green truss bridge on Everett waterfront; old Jacknife was there too)
6-27-86 Honeywell Harbour Pointe facility opened
8-17-86 last night for the Sno-King Drive-In
1-5-87 212th extension from MLTerrace to Poplar and Larch opened
1-17-87 Herald article that Pilchuck Mountain's name had formally been changed to Mount Pilchuck
7-28-87 other downtown Marysville water tower toppled to make way for mall
10-1-87 Bryant landfill (since 1960s) closed and transfer station nearly Arlington airport opened
11-4-87 fire at Drive-in Swap Shop, Lynnwood, 17325 Hwy 99
12-5-87 Edmonds High School grandstand demolished (about 30 yrs old) (another replaced)
6-16-88 new bridge opened over Quilceda Cr. on Marine Dr.
6-23-88 Pay 'n Save store opened in Marysville Towne Center Mall, joined one in Marysville Plaza that opened about 14 yrs ago
1-29-89 cold storage plant fire in Monroe
8-29-89 2 small planes collided near Snohomish, killing 4
12-7-91 plane collision near Snohomish killed 7
7-20-92 first Tulalip casino opened Margaret Riddle HistoryLink article
11-1-92 last night for the Thunderbird Drive-in Theater in Marsville
2-16-93 Martha Lake students had moved from old school to new school Edmonds School District Staff News on this date
6-3-95 Chicken Drive-In near Frontier Village flew the coop!
11-29-95 big flooding at Sultan
4-28-96 Twin City food plant destroyed
4-27-98 fire Arlington Manor 8 died
5-26-01 old part of (1953) of old Martha Lake Elementary burned today, rest was torn down at a later time
9-8-03 old bridge to Bryant in Arlington being dismantled, closed 4 yrs. ago when new bridge built, built reportedly in 1924
3-14-04 Heritage Park in Lynnwood (Alderwood) dedicated
5-16-04 Superintendent's Cottage in Heritage Park dedicated by Marie Little
12-31-04 last day for Royal Fork restaurant in Marysville
8-21-07 work began on Skotdal's KRKO towers southeast of Snohomish
10-26-07 Mt. Loop Hwy north of Barlow opened today after being closed since 2003
1-18-08 Dairy Queen on 91st near Lake Stevens burned
1-19-08 Granite Falls High School dedicated
6-20-08 Tulalip Hotel opened
7-1-08 new straightened section of Hwy 9 north of Arlington between Scholman Rd and 252nd recently opened
10-15-08 Glacier Peak H.S. dedicated
11-21-09 Amtrak service to Stanwood
12-30-09 annexation taking Marysville to 56,000 actually more
12-31-09 annexation taking Lake Stevens to 24,000
6-17-10 new Boundary Bridge near Darrington dedicated
7-23-10 fire at former Welco Lumber mill in Marysville
10-7-10 demolition of Lynnwood High School going on
10-15-10 Mormon church in Harbour Pointe destroyed by fire
11-19-10 Granite Falls truck bypass opened.
2-5-11 new Rosehill Center in Mukilteo dedicated
8-9-11 inauguration of Hibulb Center Tulalip
9-24-11 Brightwater Waste Treatment grand opening
12-25-11 Startup old Baptist Church fire, later torn down
4-1-12 Marysville Armed Forces Reserve Center opened
4-13-12 8:00 pm closure of old Ebey Slough bridge, opened in 1927.
4-16-12 first day for new Ebey Is. bridge,
4-19-12 Tulalip Cabela's opened
11-3-12 Centennial Trail from Bryant to north county line dedicated
11-24-12 156th bridge near Smokey Point "opened a week ago" Herald
4-25-13 last day fro Robin Hood Lanes, 9801 Edmonds Way, opened in 1960 - Herald
9-16-13 Bickford Ave. flyover bridge opened to traffic today
9-29-13 Flowing Lake Golf Course (1995) closed, Wellington Hills and Ballinger Lake also closed this year
2-22-14 Doleshel Park to open in Marysville
3-22-14 Oso mudslide
4-22-14 President Obama in Oso
5-7-14 fire Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, MLTerrace
10-24-14 shooting at Marysville-Pilchuck H.S.
10-25-14 reopening dedication of Suiattle River Road, had been closed since 2003 floods
3-2-15 Valley General Hospital became Evergreen-Health Monroe
4-8-15 Manor Hardware bldg Lynnwood destroyed
4-21-15 sailboat abandoned on Mukilteo beach
6-2-16 Cascade Hospital of Arlington joined Skagit Hospital of Mount Vernon
1-3-17 new Lynndale Elementary opened, replaced former bldg, new Alderwood Middle opened on 172nd
2-18-17 Marysville Village Cafe burned
3-30-17 tornado in Monroe
4-22-17 ribbon cutting for Qwuloolt trail in Marysville
6-10-17 open house for new Food Commons at MPHS
10-19-17 after 54 yrs A House of Clocks on Hwy 99 N. Lynnwood having a closing sale
12-31-18 Arlington, Edmonds and Lynnwood killing off dead end signs Herald article on this date
9-3-19 ground broken for Lynnwood link of mass transit Herald article this same week
12-29-20 new ferry terminal in Mukilteo opened
2-3-21 New Quilceda Casino in Marysville opened
3-6-21 ground broken for Islamic Center of Mukilteo
5-16-21 last day for Kenwanda Golf Course, Larry O'Donnell visit that day, opened 1964, named for Ken and Wanda Harris owners
3-25-22 Everett Police Officer Dan Rocha died in the line of duty
12-2-22 Lake Stevens Costco opened
7-21-23 last day for sole pharmacy in Darrington
8-12-23 Arnie's in Mukilteo selling out to Lombardi's Herald article this date
8-15-23 Amazon warehouse opened in Arlington this week Herald article this date
8-15-23 ribbon cutting on 196th in Lynnwood after 50 million dollar project widening it to seven lanes from five
9-2-23 roundabout maze in Lake Stevens recently completed Herald 9-2-2023
6-14-24 Pilchuck Rd reopened at Heather Lake Trailhead Herald 6-8-24
Beyond Snohomish County
9-15-88 first train crossed the bridge in Snohomish on Lake Shore & Eastern Railroad Snohomish Eye article on 9-22-88 Dilgard Riddle article
1-6-93 last spikes of GN RR driven 13 mi. w. of Stevens Pass summit
3-1-10 Wellington Disaster, GN relief train carrying doctors and nurses from Everett, plus other rescue workers arrived in Scenic late in day
6-9-07 world's first drive-in service station opened this week in Seattle Rescue party began trek to Wellington (Northwest Disaster book)
7-11-25 highway over Stevens Pass officially opened
1-12-29 Cascade Tunnel dedicated
5-21-1936 new bridge from Hwy 2 across to Skykomish dedicated Herald 5-18-36
1-16-40 Snoqualimie ski lodge fire
8-04-50 Pine Canyon Road between Orondo and Waterville officially opened
12-12-46 part of bluff recently fell off Possession Point, Whidbey Is.
8-18-47 last day publication of Seattle Star newspaper
7-9-49 Sea-Tac Airport dedicated
4-21-50 Northgate Mall opened
10-19-50 new Tacoma Narrows bridge opened
10-30-50 Seattle Veterans Hospital nearing completion
2-20-53 KTNT about to start broadcasting TV to join KING
4-4-53 Alaska Way Viaduct opened in Seattle - Battery Street Subway (Tunnel) opened following year, closed 2019
8-10-53 first day of KOMO Channel 5? to join KING Ch 4 (then) and KTNT Tacoma Ch11
8-15-53 now a new road onto Whidbey Is. from Columbia Beach
8-18-53 fire at Playland
8-26-53 Skagit bridge connecting downtown Mt. Vernon and Westside torn down to be replaced
9-10-53 experimental air mail service between Chi & NYC and Chi & Wash.D.C.
10-28-53 6 miles of 4-lane highway opened over Snoqualmie Pass today
7-22-54 bridge between Pasco-Kennewick (upstream from both downtowns) to be ready for traffic later this month
12-22-55 new highway opened bypassing Centralia and Chehalis
7-31-56 last electric car over Stevens Pass for GN, diesel afterward
2-22-57 Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Brown erected a sign announcing new town, George, WA
9-4-57 new road between Ohanepecosh and Paradise at Mt. Rainier
9-1-59 WSC to become WSU
12-5-60 5.2 miles of Bellingham freeway dedicated, perhaps from Samish Way north
8-12-61 Hood Canal Bridge opened would last until 2-13-79
10-10-62 13.5 miles of 6-lane highway opened between Midway and Fife
7-1-63 ZIP Codes went into effect nationally
7-22-63 Frederick and Nelson opened at Aurora Village
8-28-63 Evergreen Point floating bridge to be opened to traffic today
9-21-63 Seven Cedars dance hall in Mt. Vernon destroyed by fire.
2-9-70 Stevens Pass Inn and adjoining ski shop chalet destroyed by fire
12-8-70 big fire Skykomish
2-13-79 Hood Canal Bridge (1961) western section broke off in a storm and sank
9-29-80 Aurora village was now an enclosed mall
7-30-81 5 mi. of I-90 westbound opened just west of Snoqualmie summit
10-23-82 Hood Canal floating bridge reopened
6-18-84 announcement that Shoreline H.S. would close next school year
5-13-05 Mountaineers Lodge at Snoqualmie Summit burned (1948)
8-17-06 overpass at Hwy 532 and Fales-Echo Lk. Rd. opened
3-17-09 last issue of Seattle Post Intellingencer
6-1-12 liquor sales went private in state
5-23-13 I-5 Skagit River bridge collapsed
9-15-13 I-5 Skagit River bridge reopened today with permanent fix, temporary fix in meantime, trusses would be raised
1-11-19 last day for Alaskan Way Viaduct and Battery Street Tunnel, viaduct opened 1953
6-30-20 closure of Cascade Mall in Burlington opened 1989
8-24-23 soon to close the Tacoma Aroma Westrcok Mill, paper mill since 1929 Herald article on this date
10-11-24 closed since 2-26-24 the Cama Beach cabins will be closed for good, Herald article on this date
11-30-25 Molbak's garden store in Woodinville being demolished, closed earlier this year, Herald article on this date
12-15-24 Tukwila Southcenter Sears to close, last Sears in WA Herald article Dec. 4, 2024