Riverside Neighborhood self-guided history tour
Everett, Washington

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Riverside Broadway map

NOTE: See Riverside neighborhood web page for the rest of the neighborhood.


Broadway is probably named similar to Wall Street -- after street names in New York City.

3100 block, Pacific to Wall

Broadway changed quite a bit when it became US Highway 99. After WWII when the automobile culture boomed, many "Route 66" type businesses were built on Broadway.

3000 block, Wall to Hewitt

2900 block, Hewitt to California

Hotel Sexton (1901-2017)

This builing burned down Sept 2, 2017 at a loss of $1.5 Million.

The hotel, built by Charles Sexton in 1901, and was called the Sexton Hotel from 1901-1910. The name was changed to Milwaukee Hotel from 1911-12, Hotel Cadillac from 1913-21, Marigold Hotel from 1922-50. In 1952 it became the IOOF hall, until 1988. In 1988, the IOOF sold it to Virgil and Mary Morgan, who restored it in 1989, calling it the Marigold, and had a dance studio upstairs for many years. It was rented to a furniture dealer in its last years.

Broadway Bridge (1900, 1912, 2015)

Looking west towards the Broadway Bridge, the streetcar rolls across it in 1900. Note the tunnel in the distance. Jack O'Donnell collection

The Broadway Avenue Bridge spans over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) between Hewitt Avenue and California Street. On June 25, 1900, the City of Everett passed an ordinance granting the St. Paul Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company and its successors the right to build a railway through Everett. The ordinance stated the bridge would include plank flooring and constructed with suitable strength to carry a double-track street car line and carry a pavement (concrete or asphalt) should the city choose to cover them over time.

A second bridge was constructed in 1912 and had a steel stringer structure which supported a timber roadway covered with asphalt. In 1931 the bridge was renovated and a concrete deck with embedded steel stringers replaced the original timber deck. In order to carry the weight of the new design, new columns, stiffeners and stringers were added.

By 2001, the bridge exterior stringers, concrete road deck and steel cap beams had degraded to the point that a new structure was necessary. The current bridge, the third, opened in December, 2015. The railway enters a tunnel under the central business district, emerging near the waterfront in the Bayside neighborhood.

2800 block, California to Everett

2700 block, north of Everett Ave

2500 block

Pioneer Alpine Dairy (1929)

Bings Hamburgers (1956)

From an advertisement in the Nesika. Jack O'Donnell collection

This classic 1950s drive in hamburger joint became a donut shop in 1982. The donut shop has had several names.

L & R (Legge and Root) Motor Company (1946)

In 1902, the Snohomish County Agricultural Association applied for water at this address. In 1927, Mrs. William Fenlon applied for water for a fruit stand.

John Legge and Eldon A. Root started at this location in 1946. In 1951, they applied for a "Willys Root Bros" sign, then in 1958 applied for an "Everett Auto Co. Chrysler Plymouth" sign. By 1960 they were Broadway Motors. And by 1962 the building was owned by T.V. Cablevision. In 1963, the sign application was for "Paints Unlimited", Normon D. Becker, mgr. By 1984, Video West applied for their sign. Bargain CDs moved their in 2008 from their Hewitt and Rucker location.

2300 block

Rip Van Winkle Motel (1947)

Rip Van Winkle Motel, 2301 Broadway. Jack O'Donnell collection

George Van Winkle built this motel. At one time, the Rip Van Winkle was the fanciest motel in town. It had a wonderful painting on the brick wall designed by Arnie Jensen.

2200 block

Federal Old Line Insurance (1950)

Opened in 1950. Everett Herald
Polk Directory, 1961

2100 block

1900 block

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