100 years ago, many businesses set up shop on Everett Avenue.
These included the Gem Saloon...
Years ago, there was a median going down the east blocks of Everett Avenue.
East Grand Ave cross street
Riverside Park (1994)
Early in Everett's history there was a bridge here that crossed the Snohomish River to Lake Stevens.
It had a dangerous curve over the river, and several cars drove into the river.
The bridge was taken down about 1949.
Lumber mills were down below.
Canyon Lumber, in business for over 100 years, is still located NE of the site.
The Burlington Northern Railroad, formerly the Great Northern Railroad, is directly below the park.
The Snohomish River and Cascade Mountain Range are east of the site.
To the north are 3 large 100 year+ Black Walnut trees planted by the McManus family.
Riverside Park was a weed patch of blackberries behind a guard rail.
Mary and Bob Burns walked by this site everyday and felt it would be a good site for a mini-park due to its view and history.
They worked with the Parks Department, Planning b and Public works to create a plan and find funding.
It was funded with a $30,000 Community Block Grant.
Just as development of the park was to begin, Bob fell ill and passed away.
The neighborhood stepped in to insure Mary and Bob's vision would become reality.
In 1994, site was cleared, concrete poured, and irrigation and benches were installed.
The neighborhood choose a name for the park, and the dedication plaque was installed in honor of Mary and Bob Burns.
This park is maintained by neighborhood volunteers on a year round basis providing seasonal color and holiday lighting.
Riverside Park is now primarily maintained by Riverside Neighbors with support from Everett Parks and Public Works.
In 2013, Girl Scout troop 42903 built and installed a Free Little Library in the park.
Harrison Ave cross street
Robison Auto Service
New shop, view looking west, late 1950s.
photos by Robert P. Robison
New shop, view looking south, 1958.
photos by Robert P. Robison
The shingled garage behind the house at 35th and Everett Ave was Robison Auto Service from about 1954 - 1960.
Robert and Anne Robison bought the property,
a former welding shop building, and doubled the size of it to the south.
You can see in the photo the line between the old and new roofing.
They ran the business for about 7 years until Robert was hired to teach the Automotive program at Everett Junior College.
Note the two signs visible on the south wall, still owned by Paul Robison, and inserted in the photo.
As with any new business, those were very difficult years for the family.
Robert worked long hours, often late into the night repairing cars, replacing brakes, changing oil and troubleshooting the automobiles of the 1950s.
His favorite cars were Buicks and Oldsmobiles.
He had total disdain for Chrysler products.
By the time they closed the shop, the business was finally starting to make a profit.
Ralph Kerr and his wife lived in the white house next door.
Ralph was a switchman on the Great Northern Railway.
My only memory of Ralph is him hobbling around on crutches with a big cast on his leg after a heavy cast iron coupler knuckle came loose and crushed his foot.
Eventually Ralph bought the shop and land and used the shop for his fishing rod making business.
3600 (Cleveland Ave) and 3500 (Harrison Ave) Everett Ave blocks
From Mitchell Land Company survey
3613: (1929).
Originally a gas station erected by Ernest Rice.
It always had a residence within and was converted entirely to a residence c. 1973.
3601: Hotel Everett (1892-??). Demolished years ago. See sidebar.
3520: See photo for Robison Auto across the street.
3511: (1926?).
Conflicting records on this property.
Jacob S. McCoy built in 1926 to use as a tire sales outlet.
Perhaps the current building is newer replacement.
Summit Ave cross street
Everett Avenue Cash Grocery
Shuh moved into the new building in 1909 or 1910 when it was new.
They lived in a little house behind the store, then moved above it later.
Elizabeth Shuh Armstrong recalls in "Riverside Remembers" that she worked in the store at six years old.
She could barely see over the counter.
She recalled the phone number: Black 1078.
An earlier phone number started with Red and had just three digits.
In 1929, Shuh died, but the TO BE CONTINUED.
Brue Building (March 1892)
Brue Building (Mar 21, 1892).
Everett Public Library archives
Children lined up at Brue Building, May 1892.
Note the boardwalk sidewalk and street.
The school district rented the Brue Building for $50 per month, before the Monroe School was built.
Classes started March 28, 1892.
Everett Public Library archives
Another Sexton design, this building is probably the oldest commercial building in Riverside.
The Romanesque building originally cost about $5000.
It's the oldest tavern location in Riverside; now it's the MEB machine shop.
Begun in Dec 1891, it has a brick veneer, and provided space for two stores at street level with seventeen offices upstairs.
Wiped out by I-5
Walnut St cross street
Everett Avenue Grocery (1912)
Built by Amos C. Stauffer, grocer, who lived upstairs with his wife, Hazel G Stauffer.
In 1964, a neon sign was installed.
R.J. Surprenant owned it in the 1960s.
Maple St cross street
Church of Latter Day Saints (1948)
Dedication of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, May 15, 1965.
Jack O'Donnell collection
Pine St cross street
Cedar St cross street
3000-2400 Everett blocks
Everett Ave, north side, between Virginia and Baker Aves.
Jack O'Donnell collectionid houses
From Riverside Historical Overlay records
3016: (1900). Harvey Cowger, employee of Westover, Stevens and Brown in 1901.
DM Cook applied for water in Feb 1912.
3002: (1900). JW Meece, carpenter, applied for water.
WF Weaver, Rice Lumber employee lived here in 1900, but Meece in 1903.
Meece also owned 2711 Maple to the rear of this property.
2901 Everett: Dominic Cavellero house (1910):
Dominic, was a logger, and wife Kate;
Charles, laborer;
Edward, laborer;
Frank J, bookeeper;
Frederick M, bookeeper;
James, student;
John P, laborer;
William M, laborer (all 1913).
Ayline K (1918);
2812 Everett (1901): built for T.F. Sheehan.
Thomas F Sheehan. General and grading contractor (1903). Mary Sheehan, widow (1913).
In 1905: Barbara Winningham, Herrett and Dwelly employee boarded here.
Fire in 1974, 50% damage.
2802: (1900). Patrick Gogaty
2720: (1908). Amelia McManus
2714: (1905). Albertina Hinman, mother of Dr. Harry B. Hinman who started the Everett Mountaineers in 1911.
2602 Everett (1907): built for John Deifenbacher.
See also the still-existing Deifenbacher Building on Hewitt.
2420: (1905).
Frederick L. Pitman, investments at 1717 Hewitt Ave. Susie Pitman.
Thomas Henry, Treasurer, McWilliams and Henry Mill Inc. (mill is at Snohomish R. east bank at 36th).
1911 Polk: Scott R. Reaney (Mamie), manager Pacifig Telephone and Telegraph Co.
2419: (1906).
1905 Polk: John O'Connell, resident.
1906 Polk: Wellington Swallwell, secretary Swalwell Land Loan and Trust Co., Bank of Commerce Building.
1908 Polk: Wellington A Swalwell, Swalwell Brothers.
1907 Polk: Wellington Swalwell.
1911 Polk Harvey Swalwell.
Note: see 2626 Baker Ave. At some point the address was changed for this house.
2415: (1905).
1905 Polk p. 131: Charles N Gay (Nettie), blacksmith working at 2934 Broadway.
1908 Polk: Gay at this house.
1911 Polk: wife Elizabeth S. Gay, stenographer Peoples Investment Co.
Note: see 2626 Baker Ave for a picture of a small part of this house.
2412: (1907).
1909 Polk: Aaron B. Doty, repr Eastern Railway Light and Water.
1909 Polk: William Ettridge, renter, fireman.
American Foursquare, low hipped roof, wide eaves, full width porch, one over one windows,
second story corner bay windows with hpped roof projections, three-sided bay window.
2411: (1905). 1905 Polk: Otto Johnson, manager, Riverside Market
2410: (1926). 1913 Polk: Charles P. Babbitt?
2407: (1905). 1908 Polk: Benjamin W. Sherwood, Sherwood and Mansfield (lawyers).
2403: Rebuilt? house (1905).
1905 Polk: Samuel O. Ragan, storekeeper Everett Railway and Electric Co.
1903 Polk: Ragan was clerk at county treasurer, living on Hoyt.
2402: (1925). Ms. Sapp applied for water Mar 4, 1925 for her tenant, Knute Husby.
Virginia Ave cross street
2300 Everett block
From Riverside Historical Overlay records
2318: (2003). 1910 Baker: Thomas S. Clemmons, helper.
2301: (1909?). 1909 Polk: James D. Coulton, foreman Great Northern Railway. Boarder James T. Coulton, tool checker.