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Riverside Neighborhood self-guided history tour
Everett, Washington

For other Riverside streets, click on the Index above, or the Riverside web page.
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Riverside Baker Ave map

NOTE: See Riverside neighborhood web page for the rest of the neighborhood.

Hewitt Ave

Hewitt is the main east-west avenue in old Everett. It connects Riverside to Bayside. Everett's first big buildings were built here in Riverside. Hewitt had many saloons and brothels in those early days.

Washington Farmers Coop (unknown)

Washington Farmers Coop, c. 1930s. It has been listed at 3301 Hewitt and 2901 State. Larry Wold collection
Washington Egg Produce Co., May 1929. Everett Public Library archives

Jan 1944: Washington Co-op Egg and Poultry Assn. at 2901 State, phone # Main 413. Washington Cooperative Hatcheries is listed at 3301 Hewitt, phone # Main 895. Oct 1947: Washington Cooperative Farmers Assn, phone Main 413 (CEdar 1171 in 1951). Wash. Coop Hatcheries still at 3301 Hewitt, phone BAyview 2293. So the coop's name changed between 1944 and 1947. Washington Coop Farmers Assn. became Western Farmers Assn. which is now part of Cenex. In the current Snohomish County phone book Cenex/Coop Supply it is listed at Hewitt and State. Larry Wold research

McCabe Building (1892)

McCabe Building, from an Everett Herald Souvenir Edition, c. 1900. Everett Public Library archives
McCabe Building, c. 1970 Everett Public Library archives

National Register building. Architect: Frederick Sexton.

This building cost $12,000 when the U.S. Clothing Company moved in on October 20, 1892. Built for investors W.G. Swalwell and Melvin Swartout, who sold to Pennsylvania businessman John McCabe for $19,000 shortly after it was built. Everett's first July 4 was celebrated in a temporary pavillion on the foundation slab in 1892. Information from "Buildings of Early Everett", Dilgard, 1994.

Judd and Black Park (1971)

This obscure park was left over after I-5 was built. The construction contractor finished it in March, 1971.

Hewitt and Maple (2900 block)

Metzgers Grocery (1906, possibly 1896)

Metzgers Grocery about 1900. W.N.R Ford, J.H. Requa (could be misspelled), Julius Melang, Nayruce Metzger, Claude Weatherbee. Everett Museum of History
Metzgers Grocery. Jean Metzger

Wuerch Building (1918?)

Riverside Tavern, mid 1970s. Everett Public Library (Neil House collection)

Swalwell Block (1892)

Swalwell Block postcard Jack O'Donnell collection 1950s photo at EPL, Harry Metzger collection
Jack O'Donnell collection

National Register of Historic Places building.

The architects Hove and Heide designed the first brick building in Everett in 1892. See Pine Street for an interesting aside about a petition to rename Pine St for Swalwell. The builing cost $30,000, with its red brick, copper cornicework, and grey cast stone. Built by contractor Robert C. Jordan starting Apr 19, 1892, and completed in November of 1892. Information from "Buildings of Early Everett", Dilgard, 1994.

Deifenbacher Building (1903)

Architect: A.F. Heide. On the National Register of Historic Places.

John Deifenbacher was a successful saloon keeper in Riverside when he commissioned Heide to design this handsome two story structure. Just east of Heide's 1892 Swalwell building, this is a late Romanesque building. He lived in a grand house on Everett Ave. Deifenbacher (1861-1935) was born in Germany in June 1861 and arrived in America in 1880. He was the co-proprietor of Andrae & Deifenbacher's Saloon, then later owned his own Union Saloon. He died December 18, 1935, and is interred in the family plot in Evergreen Cemetery.

In Riverside Remembers, Phyllis Adkins Royce (born 1916) recalls stories of growing up in the hotel on the second floor. The Columbia Hotel, Rachel Jackson manager, rented only to single men, mostly Greek. There were many prostitutes across street, and her mother Rachel would not rent to any women. They rented some of the 20 rooms, while the family used several for their 10 kids. Leased hotel from Diefenbacher for $125/mo. Rent was $15 per room. Downstairs was Glassberg's Jewelry Store and Webber's Shoe Store, and Deidrich's Stove Works.

Hewitt and Pine (2800)

Bank of Everett (1892)

Bank of Everett (1930) Everett Public Library archives

National Register building.

Frederick Sexton designed one of the first brick buildings in Everett in 1892 for $15,000. Unfortunately, the business failed in the Silver Panic of 1893. This building was heavily remodelled in the 1940s. It's now occupied by Terracotta Red.

Hewitt and Cedar (2700)

Anderson's Grocery (1910)

McKinnons Grocery, possibly in March 1921 or 1927. Jack O'Donnell collection

Originally built for investor M.J. Moffatt, it started as the Riverside Wallpaper Company. About 1915, H. Walker Harris ran an ice cream parlor, later Dan McKinnon's Confectionery & Grocery Store in the mid 1920s. Shuh's Hewitt Avenue Grocery store was there about 1940, then Anderson's Grocery before the end of WWII. In 1989 it was still a grocery store with the 40s look intact. See Herald, May 8, 1988 for photo of sign.

Hewitt and Baker (2400 block)

H.O. Seiffert (now gone)

J.J. Hill Park (1977)

James J. Hill, known as the "Empire Builder", was in charge of the Great Northern Railroad from the Midwest to the Pacific Coast. Hill bought up much of the Rockefeller holdings in Everett after the Panic of 1893. Originally, the railroad went around the peninsula, but to save time a tunnel was dug under downtown in 1910.

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